Page 54 of Forfeit

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Once safe in their bedroom, he peeled away the borrowed clothing, tearing them in his rush to rid her of them. Only to become careful of her again when she flinched and whined, worried he’d lose his temper on her now. He shushed her, leading her to the bathroom and into the shower where he took care to scrub away every last hint of Max and the strange fragrances of the soap and shampoo.

“It’s not right,” Devin whispered as he laid her in the bed that’d been ripped apart, sheets flung in every direction as if Rey had torn the nest apart to look for her within its folds.

“Can it wait,” he asked, one knee up on the bed, ready to back off at the first flicker of unease.

“I-I guess… Yes, it can wait.” Devin scooted over, making room though Rey dragged her right back into him the moment he laid down. Bringing their bodies flush as he tugged and pulled the blankets over and around them in a rough nest that scratched at her brain.

It could wait.

“You’re okay?” He knew she was, having gone over inch of her in the shower, seeing no trace of a wound or hurt anywhere on her body.

“I’m fine. But we need to—”

“Not tonight, sweetheart. It can wait. Just let me hold you.”

Devin sighed but nodded, curling into his side as Rey wrapped her up in his arms.

Rey ran his hands over her, reassuring himself she was still there and whole. Purring for her as Devin fidgeted and grew restless. He scrubbed at her scalp just the way she liked, and Devin burst into tears.

She’d let Max touch her like this. Found the same comfort in his arms.

Devin hadn’t felt half as ashamed now as she did after Morozov pumped her full of hormones and tried to steal her away. She’d fought him, ripped his throat open with her own teeth to get away. Instead of fighting Max, she’d fallen into his arms over and over again. Entertained the thoughts of what life would be like with him.

Now Rey sought to calm her, rolling her beneath his weight to push the sound of his purr into her. Giving her no solace and no respite from the demand that she succumb to her mate’s attempts.

“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m here,” Rey said quietly against her shoulder, his purr edging into something darker, richer, as his lips brushed the deep scar of his claim.

“It’s not okay,” Devin cried, battering his shoulders with her fists.

He didn’t listen. Didn’t hear her as he groaned and rocked against her, one palm following the curve of her waist to mound the flesh of her breast. Placing hot, open-mouthed kisses against his mark, he thought to subdue her in another way.

The deep resonance of his call pushed through her body in a blazing wave of pleasure. Pulling her spine tight, she bowed under the pressure of it. Arched into the sound as she offered her breasts to his hungry mouth as he made his way down her body. He devoured one, taking the tender flesh deep into his mouth to suck hard all the way to the taut peak that he released with a lewd pop of his lips.

Scraping his teeth over her skin, he turned his attention to the other. Catching her nipple between firm teeth, he waited until she gave a low whine of pain before laving it with firm strokes of his tongue. Layering pleasure with the pain as Devin began to respond despite the guilt still plaguing her.

Folds grew wet, her thighs moving against each other in a fitful dance as she strained to open them. Rey wouldn’t allow it, keeping them tight as he ground his hardness into the softness of her belly. Painting her with his arousal. Making her feel every aching inch of him.

Abandoning his torturous play, he moved further down her body. Intent on tracing a path between her breasts, down over her ribs, he paused at her stomach. He pressed his wide smile against her, murmuring something she couldn’t quite understand before he trailed a path of stinging nips across the cradle of her hips. Head dipping down, his tongue delved between her lips. Tasting her in one firm stroke and then another before he latched onto the throbbing nub of her clit.

Devin curled in on herself with a shuddering cry, fingers clenching in his hair to hold onto something as the pleasure built in jerky snaps to the hard suction of his lips. Callused fingers stretched her wide, beckoning to her bliss, calling it forth for it to crackle along her synapses as she writhed beneath his expert touch.

He drove her up to the too high precipice, uncaring of her low whines and the tugs to his hair when it all became too much. He forced yet more pleasure, heaping it upon her with the light pinch of his teeth, tongue wild against her.

Devin snarled her need, wrenching his head forward to where she wanted him. Thighs trembling as the long muscles drew exquisitely tight, she bucked against him. Molten bliss swirled through her belly, spreading in rushing waves through her limbs until she arched high and screamed his name. It exploded within her, a roaring maelstrom that sheeted her vision to white as the world stuttered and came to a halt at the firm press of his teeth.

“That’s right, sweetheart,” Rey husked as he climbed up her body, shoving lax legs out to the side to make room for his bulk. “Me.I’mthe one who does this to you.”

He slid his hardness through her slick folds, nudging at her oversensitive nub again and again. Making her cry out and claw at the bunching muscles of his back at the too much sensation. Forcing her to plead with him for more as it suddenly wasn’t enough.

“Please,” she stammered out, gripping low on his back, nails digging deep as she urged him to take more.

“Beg me for it,” Rey rasped, bringing their faces close though he kept his lips just beyond her reach.

She did.

She begged with her moaning trills, the scratch of her nails. Groaning out her pleas between whimpers of overburdened bliss as she strained to open her legs wider. Inviting him to take what was his. Needing him to reclaim it. To make her whole.

Rey roared as he invaded her depths, the sound melting into a subterranean growl as the expanding thrust came to a stuttering halt when Devin’s body seized at the overwhelming sensation. Her cries became airy, breathless with her need, as she tipped her hips up. Begging with wordless anticipation for the deep, vicious thrusts she needed.
