Page 55 of Forfeit

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He answered her calls for more. Each thrust deeper than the last, he took back her body with agonizing slowness until each careful glide was perfection. Slick flowed, wetting their thighs as Rey rammed home with a savage snarl he buried against her neck. Easing his way until he touched the very deepest part of her.

He didn’t give her a chance to adjust, the slow retreat followed by a swift return, he buried himself to the hilt. Did it again to hear Devin’s breathless squeal before he fell into a cruel rhythm. Flesh came together with a resounding slap. Melding with their primal sounds. Devin clung to him, holding on as deep-seated pleasure began working its way through her veins in rushing waves of heat.

Rey’s mouth covered hers. Swallowing her sounds, breathing his own into her. He claimed her mouth as ferociously as he claimed her body. Tongue and teeth a violent assault on her senses as he painted her lips with earthy darkness laced with sweetness.

With a low growl, he wrenched them upright. Dragging Devin downward on the forward snap of his hips. Her head flew back, long hair cascading over the bed as she screamed his name to the sky and the Gods beyond. Ecstasy surged through her with every powerful blow. Wrapped around him, he pushed guttural sounds from her throat as he worked her up and down his thick length.

“Touch yourself,” Rey growled, the command couched in his low groans as he worked her towards the impending fall with barely restrained need.

Trusting in his strength, she gave a low whine as she sent a hand between them. Already the knot bloomed against her entrance, stretching her wider as Rey worked it in and out of her tightness. Deft fingers swiped at the copious fluids seeping from her to slick the pert nub of flesh at her apex. Body undulating under the surge of pleasure as she plucked the bundle of nerves in a frantic tempo.

Gripping the roundness of her ass, her held her aloft. Helping her to ride his hard length while keeping so close they breathed each other’s air. She met his rich umber gaze from inches away as her brows drew taut in concentration. Fingers stuttered over her clit, losing their rhythm as she drew closer to the brink.

“Come for me, sweetheart.”

She would never deny him again.

Back bowing, she bucked and jostled as she crested the final wave. Nerves snapping, synapses misfiring, she screamed her release into the dark room that smelled of musk and sweetness, love and need.

He continued to work through the wringing contractions of her pussy, a roar building from deep in his chest. The knot was huge, tugging at her entrance as he edged it in and out before he finally slammed it home in one final push.

It stole her scream before she could give voice to it, body jostling and shuddering under the assault to her senses as he ground in as deep as he could go. Locking behind her pelvic bone, he claimed her mouth in another violent kiss as he poured his come and low groans into her.

Falling into the bed, she shrieked as the knot shifted. More at the fear she’d lose her hold upon it than the pain it might cause. The indescribable fear snaked its way through her body until Rey caged her in with his. Growling low in his throat, his hand stole between them. Rubbing rough circles around her clit, he snarled at her to look upon him, to acknowledge his prowess as he brought her to the edge too fast.

He continued well past her orgasm, keeping her dangling from the precipice only to shove her off the edge of that too high cliff again and again. Waiting until the knot abated and he began his claiming of her body and soul all over again.

Chapter Fifteen

“You need to eat more,” Rey said, voice gruff from lack of sleep and his incessant growling of the night before.

His claiming had taken them well into the small hours of the morning, the pale light of dawn stretching over their bed when he finally let Devin collapse into the ruined nest with a satisfied groan. She couldn’t call it simple sex, and definitely not love making. He’d wanted to mark her body with his scent, inside and out.

“If I eat any more, I’m going to explode,” Devin grumbled, shoving the third helping Rey set in front of her away. “At the very least, I’m not going to fit into my clothes anymore.”

“You’ll get new clothes.”

Dangerous, razor edged, the statement was violent in a way Devin didn’t understand. Watching him storm around the kitchen from under her lashes, she wondered at what could have provoked such a response.

She didn’t have to wait long.

“Your Alpha provides for you,” he snarled, slamming the pan into the sink. “You think I can’t take care of you now?”

“I didn’t mean it that way.” Devin attempted to soothe, pushing at the air with her hands before holding one out to him. An invitation to calm him with her touch that he flatly ignored.

She hadn’t had the chance to explain what happened yet, and it seemed that time was drawing nearer. He’d demand answers, want to know what was done. What she’d done. Devin shivered in the warm, cozy kitchen as she curled over her stomach in a defensive huddle. Beau should be here. He’d be angry, too, but he wouldn’t lose his temper like Rey. He would get Devin out of here, take her somewhere well away from Rey’s furious eyes so she could waste away, miserable and alone, until the baby came.

Sniffling hard, Devin straightened her back. She’d let Max touch her. Never one to run from a fight, she decided she wouldn’t start now. Rey might hate her afterwards, but by the Gods, she was his. She’d chosen him, loved him. That had to count for something. Devin wouldn’t let go of him that easily.

He had to wonder why an Alpha would keep her for so long, only to give her up just like that. Morozov had plans for her, surely any other Alpha would, too.

“Do… Do you want to talk about… it?” Devin cleared her throat, gripping the edge of her chair for support.

She could do this without losing all control.

“Talk about what,” Rey asked, and it was far too smooth, too cruel and casual. Too much like Beau. “How an Alpha stole you, kept you for days, then just up and returned you to me? Or maybe why his scent covered every inch of you?”

“Don’t be angry.” Devin’s spine began to bow under the weight of his foreboding tone.
