Page 56 of Forfeit

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“You keep saying that,” he shouted, whirling on her. “As if I have nothing to be angry about!”

“You do, just… I don’t want you to do something you’ll regret.”

“I can control myself, Gods damn you.” Proving the point untrue as he threw their dishes into the sink, shattering the thick ceramic.

“O-Okay. I’ll tell you everything that happened. We can never speak of it again. Just tell me what you want from me.”

“Who was he?”

“I don’t know.” Devin held up her hand, staying Rey from yelling at her again as she continued. “I just know his name was Max and he controlled a territory. He was related to Ashley somehow.”

She wasn’t going to lie to him. Not now, when it seemed so important to bear all the horrible truth upon her shoulders. She had to tell him, had to see if he’d forgive her.

“Related how?”

“She said he was her cousin, but in all the time I knew her, she never mentioned him or any others. So, I don’t know if that’s true or not.”

“Did he hurt you?”

“You know he didn’t,” Devin said with a long sigh, palm taking in the unbruised flesh hiding beneath her rumpled clothes. “No one hurt me.”

“What did you mean when you said you made him stop?” Rey grew very still, keeping his body turned away from her as he faced the shimmering window full of late morning light.

“He… No. I…” Devin fumbled for the words, finding it too difficult to explain. How did she tell him she woke from a dream, not of him, but of some faceless shadow, only to beg Max to finish what had been started in slumber?

“Spit it out.”

“I woke up one morning and… and I was excited, but I didn’t realize it was him at first, and so I… As soon as he was inside of me, I knew, and… and I made him stop.”

“Are you trying to tell me an Alpha was balls deep inside of you and he just up and stopped?”


“And I’m supposed to believe that?” Delivered in level tones, it was no less savage than a slap to the face.

“Believe what you want, but that’s the truth. I’d never lie to you about something like that.” Devin took a shuddering breath, letting it out in a long sigh. She’d said it. Now what he did with the information was up to him.

“You tell me what happened. All of it.”

So she began again, explaining everything. Telling him every detail she remembered from the moment Ashley surprised her on the front walk to the terror beneath the phone bank. She left no questions as to her actions, didn’t deny what she’d done. Devin didn’t even try to explain it all away as hormones and the needs of a pregnant Omega. There was only the truth.

She still couldn’t bring herself to look at him. To see the disgust and hatred on his face as he watched her with vicious intent. The silence stretched out, warm taffy in her fingers sticking to her soul as the immense weight of it rounded her shoulders.

“I’ll… I’ll go if you want me to.” It took everything in her to say it, but she had to. Had to give him the option if he felt he couldn’t. “Call Beau, he can take me to the apartment or-or make some other arrangement.”

“Now you want to leave me,” Rey roared, coming at her so fast Devin couldn’t hold back her shriek of terror.

Hauled up from her chair, she dangled from his clenched fists around her arms as he gave her a rough shake.

“You’re not going anywhere with my fucking baby inside of you!”

And there was the answer she’d been afraid of hearing.

He tossed her aside like so much refuse, sending Devin’s chair skidding across the tile as her weight hit it. His heavy strides carried him out of the front door, the panel slamming home with a finality she deserved.

* * *

She needed him.
