Page 70 of Forfeit

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All of it was rote, a steady path she trudged along.

Until one day it wasn’t.

It crept upon Devin, shadows stealing the light as she went past the nursery and witnessed Gabriel tumble backwards onto a stack of blocks. He began to cry even as the Beta rushed to him, her murmured apologies lost amidst a sea of red.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing,” Devin shouted, slamming the door wide as she stormed into the room. “Why aren’t you watching him?”

“I was right here, ma’am,” Karen, the Beta, stammered out.

“No, you weren’t. You were over there, doing Gods knows what while he fell and hurt himself.” Devin was in a fine rage, misty red swallowing her vision as she stalked closer to the cowering woman. Trembling hands clenched into fists, wringing the air as if it were a solid neck.

“Devin, he’s fine,” Rey said through a low growl, putting himself between his mate and the offending Beta even as he tried to defuse the ticking bomb of Devin’s ire.

“He’s crying, Daniel,” Devin yelled, shoving past his bulk, rattling the crib as she squeezed through the narrow gap. She didn’t try to pick Gabriel up, didn’t attempt to soothe, but she shoved Karen back. Forcing her away from Gabriel with each menacing step forward.

“He’s upset he fell, that’s all,” Rey said, a cautious arm slipping around Devin’s shoulders to tug her back into his chest. A jerk of his chin sent Karen stumbling backwards out of the door, more apologies spewing from her pink painted lips before the front door close hard behind her.

“She wasn’t watching him. She was over there, doing something else. What if it was the crib he hit his head on?” Devin breaths came in hard, labored lungfuls, the crimson rush sucking at her. Demanding blood and pain. A thrill of rage coursing through her as her nails bit deep into her palms.

“Gabriel is fine. Look at him.” He forced Devin to turn, moving her with his whole body to see Gabe where he peered up at them with stormy blues dark with confusion, little brows drawn down over his gaze. Lips puckered, he scowled up at them.

“I’m so sorry,” Devin whispered, crumbling on herself as she realized what she’d done. Driving away the nanny, the person who took care of Gabriel every day so Devin could escape to the office while Rey got work done.

Gods, she’d been an idiot!

“Bring her back. I promise I won’t—”

“She doesn’t have to come back.”

“But you need someone to—”

“Go take a shower. You smell like the club,” Rey said against her hair, but still he took a deep breath of her scent before he let her go. “I’ll put him down.”

Devin’s shoulders jerked to her ears, dismay clouding her judgement as she raced from the room to scrub away the various smells clinging to her skin. She hadn’t even thought about that, bringing it into the house. Waving the scent of so many others through Rey’s home like a flag of challenge.

He didn’t follow.

Breathing hard after her quick shower as she pulled on a pair of sweats, Devin climbed into the bed. She wasn’t hungry, and she’d already pumped. If she strained for it, sleep might come to her yet. There would be no having to see the disgruntled set of Rey’s lips, the caustic tension of his body as he slid in next to her much, much later. Set in her plans, she curled around her pillow with eyes closed tight and willed herself to sleep.

It refused to come.

Then it was too late. Rey slid beneath the covers, body wrapping around hers. He grumbled when he saw her eyes shut, giving her shoulder a light shake. Palm tracing the line of her curves as he moved his hand down to her hip to give a gentle squeeze.

“I know you’re not sleeping. Open your eyes.”

He was too close. Mere inches away, the rich earthiness of him devouring her as she peered up at him through her lashes. Something was different. The tension through his shoulders had been sluiced away, leaving behind the relaxed posture of a satisfied Alpha. Devin had no idea what did that. She couldn’t dream it’d been her fit of temper, not since she refused to touch Gabriel during or after.

“Hi there,” Rey husked, leaning in closer still. Brushing his lips against the corner of her mouth with a quiet rumble that held a breath of a call.

She couldn’t figure out what he was doing, but that didn’t stop her from responding. The quiet growl worked through her body, a live wire of sensation zapping her synapses into submission as she sighed and arched into his touch. Rolling to her back, pushing her body into his, she whined low in her throat as his hand moved low across the cradle of her hips.

Devin never thought to feel his touch again. Not like this. She reveled in his low sound of pleasure as he eased his weight above her, palming her thighs as he brought them up around him. Gasping as he rocked his hardness against her, she tipped her hips up. Grinding against him in a wanton display as she let her quiet moan free.

It’d been so very long.

There was shame, but her need overrode it. Arms wrapping tight around Rey’s neck, Devin brought her lips against his. Breathed in his deep growl as he slanted his mouth over hers. Tongue and teeth assaulting, a forceful invasion that laid waste to her senses. She licked at his tongue, drawing it deep into her mouth to suck and nibble. Arched her back, grinding into him. Her stuttering cry melding into his low groan as he traversed the slick line of her folds through too many layers of cloth.

Rey’s hands ripped at their clothes. Jerking, pulling, tearing them free of the constraining fabric until the shredded pieces floated through the air to whisper against the floor. He grunted as he notched against her entrance, the rough call he voiced serrated with his need. A rush of slick answered, easing his way inside as they both made primal sounds of joy as he entered her.
