Page 73 of Forfeit

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“What else do you expect me to do, Daniel,” she snapped, digging her elbow deep into his ribs to get away.

She still wasn’t convinced he wanted her, no matter what he said.

“To try.” Rey grunted, curling his body over hers to trap her between him and the table as he tsked at Gabe and set him free of his restraints. Large hands careful, he plucked the squirming bundle of flannel and cotton from his chair to cradle against Devin’s chest.

“Nothing about this is safe, Daniel Rey,” she hissed, afraid of even breathing too hard lest the baby be knocked free.

“Then you hold him,” Rey said, adjusting his grip so Devin could put her arms under Gabriel.

She did just as the bastard wanted. Afraid Gabriel would fall otherwise, her arms came up to cradle him, surprised at the weight of him. He’d grown since the last time she’d tried this. A lot.

Gabe began fussing at once, squirming in her hold. Making Devin more uncomfortable by the second until she tried to make Rey take him back.

“This is what I’m talking about. Would you feel secure if I held you like that?”

Devin groaned, tucking her arm back under Gabe’s head, cradling him as close to her chest as she could. Tucking her arms tight around his squirming body, she willed her body to relax, to accept that he would wail no matter what she did.

Except he didn’t. Not for long moments where he stared up at her with eyes that were shaded a rich blue hazel, his true color still unknown. She patted his bottom, the thickness of his diaper and clothes muffling the sound to a steadythump.

When she reached for the bottle, he began to fuss again. Holding it to his lips, he started to cry. Devin sighed with a shake of her head. The kid couldn’t starve while Rey tried to prove his point.

“Happy? Can you feed him now?”

“Yes, I’ll feed our son now.”

* * *

The pills began to help.

As if the knowledge of what they were split open the world around her, shredding away the shadowy anxiety plaguing her, light began to seep into Devin’s days.

Small things at first, just a rush of exhilaration at being in her little office, of making order out of the chaos of invoice slips and bills. A spark of joy when Gabe let her bottle feed him for the first time without screaming immediately. Deep seated pleasure as Rey moved over her, broadcasting his desire for her in his thunderous growls and lascivious calls.

Devin still wasn’t the best mother, fumbling things more often than not. It came far more naturally to Rey who always seemed to know what their son needed long before Devin could sort out what that particular cry meant.

The new nanny helped even more. Theresa was small for a Beta, round and plump in the best ways as she fretted and cooed over Gabriel. She engaged Devin as often as possible, until one day Devin even tried to feed Gabriel from her breast.

It worked, though it was uncomfortable for everyone involved.

Months passed, each day a little brighter than the last until Devin felt almost normal again. Birth control was added to her daily routine, Rey promising not to do this to her again until she was ready for it. Devin doubted there would ever be a day that she would be. It’d all been too hard on her body, her psyche.

This was enough. At least for her. Rey had wanted dozens of kids. Children she’d never be able to give him and survive.

“We could adopt,” Devin murmured as she roused from her thoughts. She lounged against Rey in the sitting room, Gabe down for a nap in the early afternoon. A precious moment of peace where their son didn’t demand all of the attention.

Something she still felt guilt over, but Dr. Annan listened without judgement to Devin’s worries, Rey locked out of the room so as to not overhear a word. The doctor assured her it would get better in time, but Devin wasn’t certain.

“One is enough for now,” Rey husked, dragging Devin between his outstretched legs so she could feel his purr all the stronger. “When you’re ready for more, we’ll discuss it.”

“What if I’m never ready?” Devin tensed as Rey was silent, shoulders climbing towards her ears as she began to pull away.

He’d tied himself to a mate that was bad at being an Omega. She would never give him what he wanted.

“Stop that,” Rey snapped, jerking her back against his chest. “Then you’re not ready and we’ll deal with it then.”

“But you want—”

“To love you,” he rasped against the back of her neck, teeth gliding over her skin in a playful tease. “To keep you close and fuck you senseless while loving you every second of every day.”
