Page 74 of Forfeit

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“You’re such a romantic,” Devin said with a snort, though she couldn’t deny the blissful shiver twining around her spine.

“You want candles and soft music? I can arrange that.”

“You’d set the place on fire when you threw me over the table.”

His love was a violent thing these days, no matter how he tried to begin with gentle touches and soft caresses. As if she could gauge his love for her with the tenderness of her pussy, how well he used his cock on her.

Devin didn’t have the heart to tell him it was the moments like these that mattered most. The ones where he talked to her, open in a way he’d never been before.

“What time are you going in?” Rey nibbled a line down her shoulder, his purr turning gruff and harsh.

“I was going to call Beau once Theresa came.” Devin shivered hard, tilting her head to give him easier access.

“Do you trust her?”


“To leave her alone with him.”

Devin paused, shrugging away his searching mouth as she considered his words. Did she trust Theresa alone with her child? The answer came to her lips as soon as the thought formed. “Yes.”

“Then we’ll both go in. Give that asshole the day off.” Rey gave a dark chuckle, claiming her shoulder in a rough bite. “But first, you’re going to wear my scent all over your body.”

“I’m not going to the club reeking of sex, Daniel Rey.”

“The hell you aren’t. My club sells sex, sweetheart. You’ll fit right in.”

Gabriel had other ideas, waking early from his nap. His wavering cries rose in pitch and volume, echoing through the house as he demanded to be set free. Eight months old, and he ruled the house worse than an Alpha intent on proving his claim.

Devin sighed, patting Rey’s knees as she shrugged his lips from her skin. “Your little dictator calls.”

“Maybe he’ll be an Alpha,” Rey muttered holding on for a moment longer before he growled and let Devin go. “Will explain everything.”

“If the Gods ever listened to me, he’ll be a nice, normal Beta.” Devin nodded once, sliding off the couch to pad down the hall. In the nursery she quirked an eyebrow at Gabe sitting up on his own, little arms outstretched already to be lifted up. “You hear me? Normal Beta. None of that Alpha crap. Definitely not an Omega!”

“Would it be so bad if he was either,” Rey asked as he leaned against the doorframe, wary and excited in turns.

“Neither of us has any say in it, but I’d want something different for him,” Devin admitted as she hauled Gabe up to her chest. Taking a moment to revel in his soft sounds of satisfaction, she patted his bottom.

“You look so beautiful, sweetheart.”

The words were choked, strung up in a wealth of emotion that surprised Devin. She turned to Rey, finding his rich umber gaze misty, lashes fluttering as he fought down the show of feelings.

Then he was on her, sweeping her and Gabe up into his arms with a throaty growl of possession. He had them in their bedroom in a handful of stalking strides, settling mother and child in the bed with the utmost care. Climbing into her nest, he purred for the fussing Gabe, scrubbing at Devin’s scalp as she went to complain.

“You’re staying home today,” Rey murmured, arms wrapping tight around his little family.

Devin sighed and nodded, acting more put out than she actually was. Watching as Gabe played with sheets and his father’s watch, she smiled. Her son.Theirson. He might be an Alpha yet, but she prayed to all the Gods he wasn’t an Omega. She’d never wish that on anyone.

Still, as the little boy snuggled into his father’s purr, she wondered.

What would she do if he was?

The violent rage that surged through her surprised everyone as she laid a protective hand over Gabe’s chest. Petting him to soothe her flash of temper.

She’d kill any Alpha who tried to hurt her son. With her bare hands, if need be. Devin vowed to teach him all the many ways she’d survived over the years, making sure he was as proficient with weapons as his father and Uncle Beau were. He’d know how to protect himself, keep himself safe.

And if he was an Alpha, all the more reason. There would be challenges, fights. He’d be tested at every turn, his every action marked and noted. The moment he presented, they would never end, and each might be his last.
