Page 75 of Forfeit

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“Sweetheart, what is it?”

“We’re going to teach him how to fight,” Devin said, tears springing to her eyes as she bowed over the little boy and brushed a kiss on either cheek, much to his delight.

“He’s a little small to throw a punch, Devin.”

“So am I,” Devin muttered, though she agreed to wait a little while longer.


“Gabriel Daniel Rey, you get your little butt back here, mister,” Devin shouted across the emptying playground as rain began to sprinkle down around them.

“Five more minutes, mama!” Little legs pumped, sending him soaring up the steep steps to the large slide for another go.

The little boy had almost no concept of time, but he’d heard his mother and father say it often enough to recite it back to them, knowing it meant more play.

“Gabe, it’s raining. You’re going to get soaked and catch your death,” Devin tried to reason, stomping her way through the shredded rubber to collect her son.

“Gabriel, listen to your mother,” Beau said, an Alpha’s command threading through his tone as he snapped his fingers at the five-year-old.

Gabe pouted all through his adventure down the slide, rushing to hide behind Devin’s legs with a trembling lip once his feet hit solid ground once more.

“Beau,” Devin hissed, cradling the back of Gabe’s head as she led him towards the imposing Alpha lounging by their things. “You can’t treat him like that!”

“He needs to learn to listen,” Beau said with a vague shrug, flicking two fingers at Devin. “If he won’t pay attention to you here, what’s he going to do when it matters?”

“Nothing’s going to happen,” Devin said, face pale and cold as a bitter wind lashed through the park.

The challenges had begun again. Rey was called out nearly every night, leaving Beau to protect Devin and Gabriel until the early morning when he returned battered and more than a little bruised. Rey had grown stronger still, but it was Kahler’s incessant need to expand his territory, reaching far and wide, that caused this trouble now.

Things had settled for a year or two, but now everything was in an uproar.

“I hope not, but I’d prefer you both be prepared if it does.”

He meant the bond. It would leave Gabriel orphaned if someone didn’t take the claim on Devin as soon as it happened. The whole reason Beau was the one to guard them, sitting in a chair by the empty feeling nest all night while Rey was gone.

She didn’t love Beau, and he didn’t love her, but it would mean Gabriel would keep at least one of his parents.

“Come on, baby,” Devin murmured, carding her fingers through the long, dark curls haloing Gabriel’s head. “Let’s get home and get something to eat.”

“Chicken noodle,” Gabe mumbled, hugging Devin’s thigh, refusing to release her as they made their way to the car.

“Soup and grilled cheese it is.”

Rey didn’t return from the club that night. He didn’t appear, drenched and smiling, at dinner. No word came from him as to what happened, but Beau took up his place by the bed as Devin tried to settle once she got Gabriel asleep.

“Why hasn’t he called?” Snuggling deeper into the nest, Devin tried not to worry. A losing battle as she fidgeted, kicking her legs and wringing her hands.

“I’m sure he’s fine,” Beau said, offering a quiet purr to settle her nerves.

“Stop that,” Devin snapped, flopping around to curl around Rey’s pillow. She wanted none of Beau’s comfort. She wanted Rey.

Devin continued to toss and turn as the hours ticked by. Her stilted questions remained unanswered as Beau sat by the big bed. He offered no reassurances, no further comforts once she’d denied him. He was a solid presence that did little to soothe.

It was morning, the sun fully risen and shining through the windows before Rey came through the front door. Haggard and soaked to the bone, he looked pale beneath his strained smile as Devin rushed around the corner to greet him.

“Don’t be mad,” he began, hunched over his middle with arms bundled tight.

“Oh, Gods, you’re hurt,” Devin hissed, doing her best not to wake Gabriel as she rushed the remaining feet to his side.
