Page 77 of Forfeit

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“Do you like… Laura? Or Riley maybe,” she asked as Rey came into the room. She flashed him a smile as Gabe made a considering noise before shaking his head.

“Riley’s a boy name, mama.”

“Okay, my bad. How about… Sonya?”

“Sonya,” Gabe repeated, trying the name on for size as he leaned back over the baby. Bumping her nose with his, he grinned. “Do you like it, Sonya?”

The little girl babbled and cooed, chubby fists reaching up to take hold of Gabe’s wild curls. Clenching and tugging on them, she mouthed his chin with gummy pleasure. Devin chuckled, prying the infant’s hands open before she could pull too hard.

“I think that’s a yes,” Rey said with a satisfied rumble, stretching out on the bed behind their son. Toppling the kid into his chest, he looped an arm around all of them with a jaw cracking yawn. “Sonya’s a very pretty name.”

“She’s pretty, Daddy.”

“I’m glad you think so, son.”

“She’s more than a pretty face, you two.” Devin snuggled back into the bed, petting Sonya’s chest with a quiet purr as her eyes grew heavy and she began to drift off to sleep once more. The little thing must be tuckered out, but she’d need to eat soon. Devin took a breath to tell Rey as much when he smiled wide and caressed her cheek.

“Beau went out and got some formula and baby food. I called Annan’s service, we have an appointment in a few hours. Time enough for all of us to get some more rest and feed this dumpling.”

“She needs a bath, too,” Devin murmured, nose wrinkling at the hint of violence and smoke that clung to the baby’s skin.

“She can use my bubbles,” Gabe said, curling around his father’s arm with a satisfied sigh. “Until she gets her own.”

“I’m sure you can share bubbles, little man. It’s a pretty big bottle.”

“Not all of it.”

“I won’t use all of them on her, I promise.” Devin laughed then, smoothing back his hair and working her way over bodies and limbs to press a kiss against his cheek.

Not long after, when Gabe had dozed and little Sonya had fallen into delicate snores, Devin looked across their small bodies at her mate who struggled to remain awake.

“You need to sleep, Daniel,” she whispered, raking her fingers through his dark hair to push it off of his face.

“Later. Beau will handle the club.” Rey yawned wide, showing his teeth in a wolfish smile when he completed the act. “The crib will be here this afternoon, so she’ll be in her own bed tonight.”

“Have you already forgotten how many times a night Gabe made us get up?”

“She might sleep.”


“Good enough for me.” Rey grabbed her hand, tugging her a little closer to press a hot, open-mouthed kiss against her palm. “You sure you’re okay with this?”

“I think so. I don’t like the idea of her going somewhere else, at least. We’ll have to see how it goes.” Devin settled back into her pillow with a quiet sigh. “I was the one that suggested we adopt.”

“Only if you’re ready, sweetheart. If you change your mind, we’ll find her a good family.”

“Let’s see how it goes.”

Devin knew Sonya wasn’t going anywhere. Not as the baby girl whined in her sleep and Devin went to her at once, fingers stroking over a too small chest to quiet away whatever troubled dreams plagued her. She wouldn’t let anything hurt this little girl. Devin would die before she let anything happen to either of her children.

“I love you, Daniel.”

“I love you more than anything in this world, Devin.”

* * *

Devin hummed along with the song floating up through the floorboard as she leaned her palms on her desk. Stretching her back out after the long hours spent hunched over the keyboard, she pored over a stack of invoices as her hips swayed to the beat.
