Page 78 of Forfeit

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It was a rare night for her and Rey to both be at the club, and she was looking forward to a quiet dinner from plastic sacks and Styrofoam containers with him soon. She loved the kids, but sometimes it was nice to just be an adult without having to deal with them.

Devin didn’t have time to react as the door burst open, heavy hands gathering her up to paw at her curves. Pressing her body against the edge of the desk, she was bent over for the hardness of a thick cock to rub against her ass.

“Beau! Get off of me,” Devin shrieked, though a large part of her wanted to laugh.

“Come on, baby. He’ll never know if you just give me a quick taste,” Beau husked at her ear, grinding against her in a lewd pantomime of the act.

“He’d smell me all over you.”

“Damn, you’re right. You always get so wet for me, baby. But I’ll take a shower just for you.”

“Get off of my mate, asshole,” Rey ground out, unhappy with finding Devin in gales of laughter without him.

“Calm down, Rey,” Beau said with a snort of amusement, releasing Devin to claim one of the plastic bags bulging with far too much food. “Just reminding her of everything she’s missing out on.”

Devin faded into lighthearted chuckles as she eased into Rey’s arms, nuzzling his chest and placing a warm kiss against his neck before she, too, claimed a bag of food.

“That all you want me for then,” Rey grumbled as he dragged a chair closer to where Devin sat with her bounty, spreading more plastic containers over her papers until she made sounds of dismay, and he moved them to the side.

“No, I’ll take the great sex, too.” Devin hummed and swung her feet up into Rey’s lap, chopsticks at the ready as she slurped up a bevy of noodles.

“I’m more than a pretty face and a hard cock, Devin. I have a great personality, you know.”

“Sure you do, dear. Pass the soy sauce?”

“Are you hearing this, Beau” Rey asked, giving Devin wide eyes as if he couldn’t believe her statement, though humor danced in his deep brown eyes.

“She’s a sex crazed fiend, my friend. I tried to warn you, even offered to help, but you turned me down.” Beau gave a long-suffering sigh, shrugging as he attacked his fried rice like a man starved.

“If you didn’t want me to like it so much, you shouldn’t have made it half so good for me.” Devin shrugged, smearing sauce on her fingers as she emptied the little packet into her container. Swirling the noodles around, she purred her contentment, bouncing her eyebrows twice in Rey’s direction before she began eating again.

“Get out, Beau.”

“No way! This is my dinner, too, you know.”

“Go eat it somewhere else then,” Rey snapped, dragging Devin’s legs around him amid her squeals of protest as her chair rattled over the boards until she hugged his waist with her thighs.

“Let him watch,” Devin asked, breathless for some unknown reason as Rey set aside her food in favor of bringing her up to straddle him. She whined low in her throat, excited beyond all measure for no reason she could fathom as she ground down against Rey. “I want him to see.”

“Fuck,” Beau breathed, setting his food down as he grew still and quiet. Waiting to see what Rey would do.

Rey growled deep in his chest, giving a terse nod. He would have torn Devin’s jeans off if she hadn’t slid from his lap, shimmying her way out of the tight denim before he could ruin them. Holding her arms out to him, her breath left her in a shuddering rush as he settled her over his thighs.

His thick cock breached her entrance with ease, wetness pooling to soak his pants where their bodies met from her excitement. The scent of her slick filled the room to overflowing, the dominating Alpha musk swallowed beneath its sweetness. She whined and ground against Rey as he held still beneath her taking hard, panting breaths. Eyes squeezed shut as if he tried not to lose himself too soon.

The click of the lock made Devin glance back, Beau sheepish beside the door before he took his seat once more. Fly open, he stroked himself with brazen anticipation of what would happen next.

Raising herself in awkward flexes of her thighs, Devin dropped hard into Rey’s lap. She couldn’t find the right purchase to control the exchange, and he continued to remain so still beneath her.

“Is it not okay,” Devin whispered, stroking his cheeks with her palms, bringing his mouth to hers to feather kisses over his lips. “We’ll tell Beau to leave. I’m sorry I asked.”

Rey snarled, hands clamping around Devin’s waist. He worked her up and down his length in short, hard bursts that left her gasping and pliant in his too firm grip. He struck deep, grinding in against her to make Devin feel every inch. Setting a furious rhythm that kept her breathless, clinging to him as pleasure thrilled up her spine in sizzling waves.

Beau’s low grunts and quiet moans excited her all the more. Knowing he was watching them, participating from feet away, thrilled her. Devin threw her head back and moaned loud and long, broadcasting for all to hear what Rey was doing to her as he slouched low in the chair to snap his hips up in a vicious tempo.

Her hand stole between their bodies, plucking at the sensitive bundle of nerves. Rubbing swift circles around it as she spread her slick over the taut flesh. Her trills and groans grew louder still.

Exhilarating heat stole through her veins in crackling strands, suffusing her limbs as she rolled her hips to increase the friction. Grinding Rey against that spot, forcing him to rub against it with every forward impetus. Shoving her to greater heights as she fell back into his waiting arms. Trusting him to hold her to this world as he moved her body with ease at a pace that made her pussy throb with ecstasy.
