Page 8 of Casper VanHorne

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I’d called the airstrip and my jet was being fueled. My bag was packed, but I had more shit at the cabin. I’d also done a bit of shopping online and arranged for some things to be delivered to the cabin. Christmas was fast approaching, and I had every intention of spending it there with Carmella. She just didn’t know it yet. I’d always sent a little trinket to her each holiday and for her birthday, but I knew now it had been a meaningless gesture. She’d have much preferred an actual visit with no gifts. This year would be different. I’d make sure of it.

While she packed and did whatever the fuck women did to prepare for a trip, I rummaged through the pockets of the men who had dared to come after me. There wasn’t much to find except a phone on one of them. It was just a basic flip phone with one text showing. Not even something that seemed to pertain to them breaking into my house. I used my phone to snap a picture. After I made arrangements with a clean-up crew, I carried the flip phone inside, dropped it into a padded mailer, then made another call.

“Need a pickup,” I said to the nameless person on the other end.

“Leave it in the usual place.”

“It will be there in two minutes and needs to go directly to Wire at the Dixie Reapers. No one else touches it.”

I got a grunt for a response and nothing else, but I knew they would follow my instructions.

Ending the call, I carried the package out back and hid it amongst the woodpile on the back porch. While this house wasn’t as safe as my cabin, I’d hoped that Carmella wouldn’t be in danger here. It seemed I’d been wrong. I hoped the package was delivered soon and Wire would be able to pull something from the device once it reached him. I had an idea who sent the men, but I wanted to be sure before I plotted my revenge. It was one thing to come after me when I was alone, but those fuckers had put my wife in danger, and that I wouldn’t tolerate.

Probably my own fucking fault. I’d kept Carmella a secret. Torch and Isabella knew of her, but other than a mention here and there, I’d tried to keep conversations away from the subject of my wife. I’d done it to protect her, even though she thought I was keeping her from my family. Maybe it had started that way, but once I’d seen how sweet she was, realized that her sexy curves made me want to break my promise, I’d known that I needed to keep her as far from my life as possible.

I’d done too good a job of it until now. There was just one problem. I wasn’t sure that I could still let her go when the time came. The thought of having someone to come home to, a woman who was beautiful and sweet, was incredibly tempting. I’d had my share of mistresses over the years, but no one I couldn’t leave without a single regret. With Carmella, I had no doubt that I’d regret letting her go. She was mine, even if I hadn’t claimed her.

She carried a bag into the living room and set it down. Her lower lip looked bruised and I knew she’d either been biting it or chewing on it. The fact she was nervous bothered me. I’d never hurt her, not intentionally anyway. I’d done enough damage just by being absent.

“Jet should be ready by the time we reach the airstrip.”

Carmella nodded and reached for her bag again, but I stopped her. No fucking way was I going to let my wife carry her own damn bag. I picked it up, then led the way out to the car. Stowing our bags in the back seat, I stared at them a moment and tried to analyze the strange feeling in my chest. Seeing Carmella’s red luggage next to mine didn’t exactly send me running for the hills. With any other woman, I’d have felt like I was choking when things got too domesticated. Not the case with Carmella.

Everything had seemed so clear-cut when I’d gone to ask for a divorce, or rather to inform her we were getting one. Watching over her in the hospital and later at one of my many homes had changed things. Finding out she’d had no one all these years except the bodyguard and staff I’d hired made me feel lower than low. I’d always prided myself on treating women decently. Even the ones I fucked and discarded knew the score going in. But Carmella hadn’t been given a choice. She’d been a pawn and nothing more. I’d only been thinking of keeping my family safe, and her father had wanted her gone.

We got in the car and I drove to the airstrip, keeping an eye out for more trouble. Not knowing who those men were or what they wanted had me on edge. There was no telling when or where another attack would come from. I hoped that Wire could pull something off the phone soon. If I didn’t have Carmella with me, things would be different. Having her right in the path of danger changed everything.

The jet was ready when we arrived. My wife hadn’t said a damn word the entire car ride to the airstrip, and I wondered if I’d get the silent treatment all the way to East Tennessee. Thankfully, it wasn’t a very long flight, and there was plenty I could do. While I’d made some changes to my life the last few years, my hands weren’t completely clean. I doubted they ever would be. I’d made enough money I never had to work again, but sitting idle would drive me crazy. The only way I’d completely retire is if I died. Or found another way to occupy my time.

Our bags were loaded and I helped Carmella up the steps. I urged her into a seat by the window, hoping she’d enjoy the view. I didn’t know if she’d flown any time other than when I’d brought her here from Mexico. The trip from the hospital had been by car since she hadn’t been healed enough for air travel.

I took the seat next to her and pulled out some files from a briefcase I kept with me. There were a few threats I’d received in the last several weeks and I hadn’t taken them seriously. Now I was wondering if I’d overlooked something. In general, the men coming for me weren’t anything to be concerned about, but if they had help… I knew there were plenty of men and organizations around the globe who would love to see me taken down. Maybe one day they would succeed, but I hoped that Carmella would stay safe if that ever happened.

“Why do you have a file on Raul Montenegro?” Carmella asked.

I slowly turned to look at her. “How do you know Montenegro?”

She had her gaze locked on the file, but I noticed she’d turned pale. There was fear lurking in her eyes, and it made me want to reach out and crush Montenegro. I had no idea what he’d done to her, but he’d be punished for it.

“Carmella.” My voice had just enough bite she jerked her gaze to mine. “What did he do to you?”

Her lower lip trembled. “My father invited him to Mexico when I was fifteen. I’d never been allowed into his home. His dirty little secret. When I received his summons, I was so excited. I thought maybe he would finally love me.”

I reached out to cup her cheek. She leaned into my touch, her eyes sliding shut, as she took a shuddering breath.

“My father only wanted me there because Montenegro liked young girls.”

A growl rose in my throat before I could hold it back. That bastard! If he’d touched her, I’d fucking kill him!

“Montenegro made it seem as if he were interested. I hated the way he looked at me, the coldness in his eyes. He asked my father if he could strip and fuck me right then and there. My father gave his blessing, and I promptly threw up.”

I tried not to react, tried to keep my rage in check.

“Montenegro backhanded me for messing up his shoes, then demanded my father bring him someone younger. I was banished from the house and never permitted to return, for which I was grateful, but I knew one day my father would find a way to make me pay for humiliating him.”

And now I was receiving threats from Montenegro. I didn’t think it was a coincidence. I just wasn’t certain why he’d come for me now, or her. If he preferred little girls -- sick fuck! -- then why would he be interested in a fully grown Carmella? She was close to thirty now.

“Why do you have a file for him?” Carmella asked again. “Casper, you can’t… you can’t do business with him. He’s dangerous, mean, and he has no soul.”
