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An aisle had been created through the middle of the big ballroom, and guests sat in chairs on either side. From here, it seemed like thousands were in attendance, though from the list, I knew it was only two hundred, a mix of humans, monsters, and numerous elves.

The music paused, and a hush descended. Then the musicians started playing again, and the lilting tune echoed in the high-ceilinged room.

I stepped onto the smooth strip of carpet; my footsteps silent.

Tylik stood waiting at the end of the aisle. He watched me with a gleam of tears in his eyes.

I walked toward him, my steps slow, but with eagerness blooming in my heart. This day was going to be perfect.

I’d nearly reached him when a voice called out from behind.

“I made it, honey!” My mom entered the ballroom. She stopped on the carpet, gazing around in awe before starting toward me. “Sorry I’m late. That elf woman did her best to get me here on time.” Shifting one of her canes to the other arm, she waved to Drueline, who smirked.

Damn witch. Why had she done this?

Oh, yes, to humiliate me.

I’d show her.

Mom was dressed in her best, and I’d never seen anyone prettier in my life.

Some of the audience pointed and their eyebrows lifted. To them, her black slacks and bright pink top with a bow must appear comical.

Snickers rang out, growing louder.

I didn’t care; I was grateful she was here to share this day with me. Still, I cringed, because this might be the one thing that would change Finni’s mind.

She said no embarrassing incidents. Would she use this against Tylik?

If so, our chance was over already.



“Mom,” Kate said, turning. She walked toward a woman who’d stopped on the carpet runner and was peering around in amazement. They had the same red hair and gorgeous eyes. I was so grateful she’d arrived.

Spying Kate, her mother’s eyes lit up, and I saw more of Kate in her face. Using two canes, she hobbled toward her daughter with Kate striding toward her mom.

When they met, they hugged.

“I’m so glad you’re here. Thank you,” Kate said with so much joy it made my chest ache.

“How could I be anywhere but with you on your special day?” Kate’s mom said.

The sweetest smile appeared on Kate’s face. It made my lungs ache.

“I should introduce her, unlike during our first meeting.” Kate’s bright laugh rang out. “This is my mom, Willa. Look, Tylik. She made it on time.”

“I sure did, honey,” Willa said.

“Would you walk me down the aisle, Mom?” Kate asked.

“I’d be happy to walk with you,” Willa said.

My aunt sat in the front row, watching me, not my fiancée and her mother. I couldn’t read Finni’s thoughts from her expression, but I sensed she was making her final judgment.

Fuck it and whatever her decision might be. I controlled my own life; I didn’t need my aunt to do it for me. My love, my Kate, was happy. That was all that mattered.
