Page 59 of React

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“I love the way you go so still right before you come,” he said, reaching around my thighs to run his fingers lazily through my folds. It felt amazing, but it wasn’t enough and as I involuntarily rolled my hips to meet his touch he chuckled before pulling away just out of my reach. “I also love how you aren’t shy about taking what you need.” His fingers were back, this time sliding two fingers inside me and curling them causing me to moan again; my inner walls pulsing around his fingers in need.

He pulled me forward by those two fingers and licked lazily at my clit as I rode his fingers and his mouth. It was ecstasy for all of 30 seconds before he was lifting me off of him and leaving me empty and cold without his body connected to mine.

For a moment my mind flashed back to the dream I’d had and the fears that still crippled me, but when I heard his belt clank and a zipper, my body went right back to vibrating in anticipation of him inside me.

“Face down, ass up, baby,” his voice was a dark command and I felt myself grow impossibly wetter as I gave into the alpha side of Decker. I pressed my cheek against the comforter and arched my back, raising my ass high, completely unconcerned with the indecent position. I knew without a doubt that I could trust the pleasure that would come from following one of his commands. In the bedroom, anyway. I still had reservations about blinding following his orders outside this bed. I felt the bed move as he climbed up behind me and jumped at the sudden contact of his finger sliding up my inner thigh, collecting the wetness that was dripping just from his fingers and mouth.

His fingers ghosted lightly over my openly exposed pussy and up even more to grip my ass hard in one hand. “You are the sexiest woman I’ve ever fucking seen, Lake. I just want to kiss, lick, and bite every inch of this perfect body.” I felt his teeth graze the swell of my ass and wondered if I could come from his words alone.

“Please get the fuck inside me,” I whispered, my fingers gripping the comforter for something to keep me from floating away with lust.

“Mmm,” he hummed, sliding a finger from the top of my spine all the way down and through my crack, softly dragging across my tight bundle of nerves, before sliding his hand down my pussy in a way that could only be described as petting. Why was this turning me on even more? “I also love that you're so polite when you need my dick. Asking so nicely with a ‘please’.”

I couldn’t take the teasing anymore and was about to sit up to take all the control back when the head of his cock nudged at my entrance and I almost let out a very loud “thank you”. With his hands on my hips he slid inside in one long delicious thrust making us both call out at the connection. He felt impossibly large from this position and felt a glorious zing of pleasure as he began to thrust deep and hard, taking what he needed from my body and gripping my hips even harder as I pushed back against each thrust, chasing my own needs as well.

I could feel our sweat slicked bodies slide against each other as he folded himself over my back, one hand leaving my hip to slide around my throat. “You feel so fucking good,” He whispered against my ear as he pulled me up until I was seated on his lap, my back pressed tightly to his chest. I ground down against him, trying to find my release in the nearly immovable position he had me in, still seated securely on his dick.

“Please,” I whimpered, frustration winning out and let out a string of whispered curses as his cock jumped at the word while still buried in me.

“Fuck,” he groaned out, sounding almost pained before he slid out and flipped me to my back, thrusting roughly back in before I could even complain about the emptiness.

His thrusts were unrelenting and his fingers found my clit, sliding in small frantic circles, then he was leaning down pulling my peaked nipple between his teeth lightly. And just like that, I was done. An unexpected orgasm ripped through me so completely that my back arched off the bed and I screamed out his name. My inner walls clamped down as wave after wave flowed through me, and it wasn’t long until I heard and felt Decker find his own release, coming inside me with jerky and slowing thrusts.

His body collapsed onto mine and my arms wrapped around him, clinging him tighter when he made to move off me. “Not yet,” I said through the haze of yet another mind blowing orgasm. He was still hard inside me and I wasn’t ready for the distance. He chuckled against my neck and my body reacted on its own; my inner walls tightening around him, causing the chuckle to morph into a groan.

“You’re trying to kill me,” he said against my skin.

“Nah, trying to keep you,” I replied lazily before freezing at my words. The words had been too honest and too raw, exposing a part of myself that I’d worked so hard to keep locked down and safe in the depths of my heart. They were the words of a lost little girl and a jaded woman and I hated them more than anything else in that moment.

I prayed he hadn’t taken them seriously or seen the depths of each syllable, but when he pulled out of me and sat up on his hands to meet my eyes, I knew he understood the truth behind them. I sucked in a shaky breath and gave him the fakest smile I could muster to hide the impending tears threatening my eyes and let that same breath out with a husky laugh.

“I’m starving,” I said, pumping as much cheer into my voice as possible. It just sounded hollow, even to my own ears.

“Lake,” Decker started, reaching for me, but I was already rolling to my feet and snatching up the closest piece of clothing I could find. Luckily it was his shirt and covered me to mid-thigh as I quickly buttoned the front and backed away.

“No, seriously. I didn’t eat, and that was a workout.” I kept my voice casual, hiding the rising tears of humiliation as I turned and slipped out the door before he could say another word.

I let out a shaking breath once the door was shut and slowly padded toward the kitchen, stopping at the sight of a woman’s ass sticking out from the open fridge. Apparently my exhale had been loud enough to grab her attention because she straightened while starting to speak.

“Deck, your fridge has food! I’m in shock here. I thought you just-” She stopped when she saw me, and I felt my face heat instantly as I was face to face with Avery Mullins. I was well aware that I looked freshly fucked in nothing but his shirt.

“Oh,” she said in surprise, then another “oh,” as she took in my attire, and finally a long and knowing “oh,” when she got to the top of my head.

I was immediately finger combing my hair, taking a step back, ready to apologize when I heard the bedroom door open and Decker call out my name. Closing my eyes tightly, I bit my bottom lip and prayed to every deity that he wasn’t walking out here naked to scar his sister for life.

“Lake, we need to talk,” he said, sliding up behind me, starting to wrap an arm around my waist that I quickly smacked away. “Seriously?” He questioned, trying again. The throat clearing from the kitchen was what finally had him freezing and I felt the immediate distance when he saw Avery finally.



Istared at the ceiling, cursing myself for my silence at Lake’s words. I hadn’t acted fast enough, but my mind had been swimming with ways I could convince her to stay with me long after she was safe. It seemed too soon to suggest she move here with me, and I was struggling to find a way to talk to her about it without freaking her out. A month was hardly any time, not to mention the fact that we hadn’t had the most normal of beginnings. But fuck, I wanted her for as long as she would keep me.

Deciding that stumbling through explaining what I wanted was far better than letting her think I didn’t want anything at all, I launched myself from the bed and grabbed a pair of sleep pants from the dresser, tugging them up each leg as I tried to hurry out of the room.

“Lake,” I called out, tying the drawstring of the pants as I followed after her. She hadn’t made it to the kitchen and I couldn’t stop the arousal stirring at seeing her in my shirt. I would gladly sacrifice every button down I owned if I could keep her in them.

“Lake, we need to talk,” I said, sliding an arm around her waist to pull her back against me. Before I could even start to wrap her up, she was aggressively slapping at my hands, unmoving but unwilling to even be touched. Like my cum wasn’t dripping down her thigh this very moment. “Seriously?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at the back of her head, starting to try again only to pause at the throat clearing coming from the kitchen.
