Page 10 of Possession

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“Hello, Ms. Manarch. Nice to meet you.”

She holds out her hand which my mother doesn’t take, making Ava even more uncomfortable. But that is how my mother is. Protective of her children. Always on high alert. She doesn’t trust easily. Perhaps because of who we are and the life we lead. She gives her a look over. I have to hide the smirk when she looks at me.

“I’ll heat you both a plate. I made fresh Scotch Pie.”

“Thanks, Mom. We will be at the back table.” I hold out my hand to Ava but she refuses to take it.

“Where is the bathroom?” She asks as we exit the kitchen.

“Third door on the right.”

She leaves and I can’t help but look at her walk. She is stunning. But more than that there is something that lures me to her. She isn’t like any woman I’ve encountered. She is confident but not arrogant. She knows who she is and it turns me on.

Chapter Six


I shouldn’t be here. But his tone was commanding. It vibrated to my core. Three doors down I open the door to the bathroom. I lock the door and open my bag. I’m surprised to see my change of clothes is in it. I swear it was in the cubby. He must have packed it assuming it was mine. I am grateful. I hate what I am wearing. I want to take off this god awful uniform. I change into my leggings, a sweatshirt, and flats. It doesn’t feel appropriate next to his tailored suit but I don’t care. This is who I am. I wash my makeup off and pull my hair in a ponytail. Looking in the mirror I feel more like myself. No use in pretending to be someone I am not regardless of who he is. There is a knock at the door.

“I’ll be right out.” I stuff everything inside my bag. There is another knock. “Hold your horses.” I open the door.

“Took you long enough. Move. I have to pee.” A woman with too much makeup and cheap perfume pushes me out of the way. I want to say something but she isn’t worth the effort.

I look around for Viktor. I spot him in a corner, his body is facing the front door but his head is turned looking at me. At the table, I set my bag down and sit across from him. I need as much distance from him as possible. I don’t know his intentions and to be honest he intimidates me. I have to remind myself he is a criminal.

“You’ve changed. I like it.” I don’t know what to make of his comment. “Would you like a glass of wine?”

“No thank you. I need to be up early.”

“Food should be out shortly.” He pours me a glass of water.

“Thank you.” I drain half.

“Ava O’Brien, tell me about yourself.”

“This is not a date.” I’m inclined to say.

“I never said this was a date.” He chuckles.

“What do you want, Mr. Manarch?”

“Your friend looks different.” Anita says as she approaches. I don’t know if it’s a compliment or insult.

“She was wearing her work uniform. She works at Gotham.”

“Right.” She says like she knows what it means. “Dinner is hot. Enjoy. Let me know if you need anything, Ava.” She smiles warmer than earlier. Weird. Was she judging me by the clothes I was wearing?

“Thank you.” I smile.

“My mother likes you.”

“She doesn’t know me.”

“Yet.” He laughs.

“What does that mean?” The steam off the food is warming and the smell is making my mouth water. I take a bite. It’s delicious. It’s a few bites before he speaks like he was letting me eat. Is he aware I was starving? Because I didn’t know.

“My mother’s cooking is like no other.”
