Page 9 of Possession

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“You aren’t in any condition to work at the moment.”

“It’s not your call to make. I’m fine. I just need a few minutes to gather myself.” She stares as she speaks. Her eyes are defiant. At this moment she shows no fear towards me.

“You need to eat. You are leaving with me. I’m getting you food.” Who knows when she last ate.

“I’m not going anywhere, especially with you. Besides, I can’t just leave. It’s busy and we both know I need the money. So let me through.” Headstrong. If she thinks she is discouraging me it’s only making me want her more. It’s going to be fun breaking her.

“I know the owner. Your job is safe.”

“Mr. Manarch, I appreciate your concern. But I can’t leave. I need the money. You know this. I have to get back to work.” She takes a few steps towards the stairs, but I am blocking her.

“Ms. O’Brien you have two choices. You can leave with me of your own accord or I’ll carry you to my car. You are done working for the night.” There is a shock on her face.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Baby girl, you have no idea what I would dare. As you so eloquently said, you don’t know me or what I am capable of.” I take a few steps towards her and she matches mine by moving back. To her disadvantage, there is a wall behind her. Nowhere to run. “What’s it going to be?” I challenge.

“I need to get my things.” She finally says, resigned to the reality in front of her.

“Good choice. Oliver,” I start.

“I’ll meet you at the SUV.” He says.

“After you.” I point towards the stairs. She rolls her eyes but does as I say.

I can’t help noticing her curves. She looks different from earlier. It’s like she is a completely different woman. Her red corset pushes her very plump breasts out. Her pants showcase her small waist and perfect ass. She is the definition of pure perfection. She radiates seduction. A woman who can drive any sane man crazy. I haven’t felt this attracted to a woman since… Well in a long time. She is a mixture of innocence and sassiness. But despite how she is dressed, it’s the way she was earlier that I am attracted to.

Outside, Oliver is waiting with her bag. It’s worn down like the clothes she wore earlier. A woman like Ava should be taken care of. A woman who should never work a day in her life. She deserves to be treated like royalty. In a way, she reminds me of my mother. Beautiful and headstrong. The kind of woman worthy of the Manarch name.

“Where to?” Oliver asks as we approach.

“The restaurant.” He looks at me with a questioning look. “Now.”


Oliver is my right hand. I trust him with my life. He is also my father’s illegitimate son. My mother brought him home when he was in diapers. His mother was not suited to raise him according to her. My mother forgave my father’s indiscretion and raised him as her own. It makes no difference to me. I might not say it aloud but he is my brother. He can’t ever be the boss. The title is rightfully mine as the firstborn. But it doesn’t make him any less Manarch. Oliver serves me as my advisor. Sometimes he is my conscience when it is necessary.

I open the SUV’s door for her. She looks surprised. I wonder what type of men she deals withthat she would find such a small courtesy surprising. Then again, the last one cheated on her. But a woman like her should be treated with respect. I’m an asshole and even I know that.

She slides in. I follow suit. Normally I don’t like to be driven but I want to be near her. She is quiet looking out the window. I want to know what she is thinking. What troubles her? When was the last time she had a proper meal? She looks exhausted. Her eyes tell me she has had a hard life thus far. It makes me angry. I don’t know why.

“Oliver you can go home,” I say as we approach the restaurant.

“I’ll have a drink.” His unspoken way of telling me he won’t leave my side. I don’t care for it but I understand. We left our men at the club.

“There should be a bottle of Glenmorangie eighteen and one Chateau. Pick your poison.” He nods. I open the door and exit the SUV. I hold out my hand to Ava. She looks at me like I have offended her.

“I don’t need your help.” She rolls her eyes. I chuckle. I open the door to the restaurant. It’s filled with some of our lower soldiers. They spot me and their volume drops instantly.

“As you were.” The noise returns to normal. “We are going to the kitchen.” I let Ava know as she nervously looks around.

I see the crowd makes her uncomfortable. But my men won’t dare talk to her. She is safe here despite what people say. But it doesn’t mean they aren’t looking. It’s hard not to and I can’t blame them. It’s hard to take your eyes from her. As we pass them, they look away. It bothers me that they are looking but I’m having the same difficulty.

“Sweetheart, what are you doing here?” My mother greets me as I enter the kitchen.

“Hi, Mom. I could ask the same.” I hug her. “This is my friend Ava. We came for a late dinner.”

“Hello, Ava.”
