Page 102 of Possession

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I should have known secrets have a way of coming to the surface. There is no doubt in my mind Fiona took this opportunity to tell Ava we had sex. Maybe I should have not kept it from her. I know she would have left. This is an impossible situation. I don’t understandFiona’s obsession with me. She is making my life a living hell. I try texting Ava as I drive home hoping she will answer but nothing. Radio silence. All I need is to sit and talk to her. Explain everything. Pulling up to the house I see I’ve beaten them. All I can do is wait.


After seeing her get out of the car I knew whatever went down at the clothing store was bad. The anger and pain in her face was like nothing I have seen before. I run upstairs needing her to explain what happened. But the woman is stubborn. Then she tells me Fiona is pregnant and slams the door. I want to kick the door down and make her talk about her conversation with Fiona. I need to know what she meant by Fiona being pregnant. It has to be a lie. There is no way Fiona is having my child. I’m pacing trying to figure out what my next move is. Breaking down the door is not what Ava needs, as much as I want to. To my surprise, she opens the door and walks out.

“We have to talk.” Her face is red from crying.

“Your mom will be here in a few hours. I have to get everything ready.” She tries to walk past me but I stop her.

“Ava, we have to talk.” She turns and looks at me.

“The time to talk has passed. There is nothing to say. Let’s get through tonight.”

“Ava,” I try to block her.

“Stop, Viktor.” I freeze. Her eyes are cold. She turns and leaves the bedroom. I dial Oliver.

“Where are you?”


“I need you to find Fiona.”

“What did she do?”

“She told Ava she is pregnant.”

“On it.” I end the call.

What am I supposed to do now? I won’t lose Ava. She is the best thing that has happened to me. I don’t believe for one second anything coming out of Fiona’s mouth. This is yet another elaborate lie to get what she wants. She will not get away with this.


“Can we talk?” It’s been a few hours of Ava ignoring me, going around the house getting everything ready for dinner.

“Your mom will be here any minute.” She buttons her blouse.

“You can’t ignore me. I won’t allow it.” I take steps to close our gap.

“What was it you said once? We can’t always have what we want.” She pushes me out of the way but I stop her.

“Baby girl, I always get what I want. You are not the exception.”

I push her against the wall. I crush her lips. For a second, I think she is going to fight me but doesn’t. I pin her hands above her head. Soft moans escape her. She is ferocious with her kiss. I let go of her hands and turn her. I pull her slacks and panties off. They pool at her feet. I softly bite her shoulders and neck. I thrust inside and she cries in pleasure. She meets every thrust. It’s angry and hard.

“Fuck,” I groan.

“Viktor,” she screams as she comes. It doesn’t take long for me to follow. We are panting for air. She pushes me away. “I need to finish getting ready.”

Her voice quivers. I have never seen Ava like this. She is cold. She picks up her slacks and goes to the bathroom. I am confused by her reaction. I walk to the bathroom door and watch as she cleans herself and gets dressed again. She doesn’t speak or look at me. I am not here. It’s like she is by herself. It angers me how she is treating me. I have done nothing wrong.

“Ava,” I start.

“There is nothing you can say at the moment that I want to hear. Like I said, let's get through the next few hours. I deserve that much.” She walks past me. I go to stop her. She turns and stares. We are quiet for a few seconds. I finally let her go.

I watch as she leaves our bedroom. I’m so shocked that I am frozen in place. I run my fingers through my hair. I walk in the bathroom and turn on the shower. As the water hits my head I realized I can’t begin to imagine what Ava must be feeling. Whether I want to admit it or not I betrayed her trust. I lied. But this isn’t something that can’t be fixed. She just needs to give me a chance to explain. Once she knows the truth she will know there is nothing between Fiona and me. It was an honest mistake. We can get through this.
