Page 103 of Possession

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Chapter Fifty-Five


“Everything is lovely, sweetheart.”

“Thanks, Anita. I hope you like the menu.” I stand by Ava in a side hug. Her body feels tense but she is putting on a good show for my mother.

“Anyone care for a drink?” I ask.

“Martini.” Mom says.

“I’m fine, thank you.” Ava answers. I kiss the top of her head. I walk over to Oliver who is talking with Tina.

“How is she doing?” Tina asks.

“Don’t know. She won’t talk.”

“I’m sure she will once we are all gone.”

“Oliver, have you heard anything?”

“Nothing on Fiona yet.”

“Good evening,” my father greets. What the fuck is he doing here? “I hope you don’t mind that I brought guests.” Behind him are Cillian and Fiona.

“How dare you?” I walk to the foyer. “This is my house.”

“Which I paid for.” He snarls. “You are hosting a family dinner. What better place to discuss the turn of events?” From the corner of my eyes I see Tina and Mom next to Ava.

“There is nothing to discuss and you weren’t invited. Get the fuck out of my house.”

“Mind your manners Viktor. I made you and I can also end you.”

“Take it easy, Dougal. You are going to give yourself a heart attack. How about we pour some drinks and get this party started.” Cillian says. Fiona is quiet but she is all smiles.

“There is nothing to discuss and this isn’t a party.” I say louder.

“We both know it isn’t the case.” Fiona finally speaks.

“You are a fucking psycho.” She moves closer to me.

“Babe, after our beautiful nights together the most wonderful thing happened. We are having a baby.”

“Fucking lies.” I bark. I look for Ava. She is still standing beside Tina and Mom. She is frozen in place. I can’t read her. I start to walk to her.

“I wouldn’t, if I were you.” My father warns.

“Another threat?”

“A fact. You will make an honest woman out of Fiona take responsibility for your actions. The wedding is set for tomorrow afternoon. It will be intimate. There is no point in waiting now.”

“I am not marrying her. If she is pregnant, I will give the child my name. I will take care of the child. There is no need for us to be married.” I hear a loud noise. The cup Ava was holding shattered on the floor. “Ava,” I call but she is already running upstairs.

“I will kill her if you don’t honor our name.” I look at him in disgust. This man is supposed to be my father. “Fiona is carrying my grandchild. You will do as I say.”

“For all you know she is lying.” I spit out.

“Except I am not. Daddy took me to the doctor today. We have a sonogram. Would you like to see it?” The room is instantly cold. Fiona is holding a piece of paper. This can’t be happening.
