Page 40 of Possession

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“Last chance.”

“Fuck you and your last chance. Stop telling me what to do.” He doesn’t speak. I hear his footsteps leaving.

I let out a breath. Viktor is intense and more controlling than I could have imagined. I get I’m an employee to him but no need for him to run every detail of my life. For goodness sake, we are in his house. After a few minutes of silence, I decide the coast is clear. Maybe I am wrong. He won’t do anything to me. I take my clothes off and put them in the hamper leaving my panties on. All I need is a good shower to wash this day away.

“What the fuck Viktor?” I scream as he enters my bedroom. I grab the first thing on the bed to cover myself. “Get the fuck out. I’m naked.”

“You aren’t naked. This is my house. I go wherever pleases me.”

“You can’t be in here. This is my bedroom.”

“Which I pay for.” He takes steps closer.

“You don’t own me. I’m not part of your house.” He has almost reached me. I walk back but only manage to fall on the bed.

“Baby girl, you will always do as I say.” His body pins me. I pull the sheet higher trying to create the illusion of separation.

“There is no need for you to cover yourself. You are a beautiful woman.” He whispers.

“Viktor, get out.” I try to push him off but he is all muscles and doesn’t budge.

“I won’t leave until you accept I am in control of you. You will do anything I say.” He is so close. I feel the heat of his body through his clothes.

“I’ll tell you whatever you want as long as you leave.” I try to push him again but it’s futile.

“Fighting me isn’t going to get you anywhere.” He pulls the sheet away from me. I am exposed. With the back of his hand, he caresses my neck, sternum, breasts, stomach but stops at the line of my panties. I close my eyes fighting the urge to let him take me. “You will find submitting to me is easier and more pleasurable.” He caresses me over my panties. A moan escapes me. “You feel wet. Are you wet for me?” His tone is almost mocking.

“Get off me.” I scream.

“If you fight me it will be worse.”

“Stop Viktor.” In an instant, he gets off me and the bed. I’m shocked and surprised. We stare in silence. Then he turns and leaves, closing the door behind him.

I don’t understand him. One minute he is one way; the next he is completely different. The more I learn about him the more I am certain I shouldn’t be here. You can’t ever tell where you stand with him. I get out of bed to lock the door. Then walk straight for the shower. I’m confused about how I feel. I’m hot for him. His demanding ways turn me on. It feels wrong to feel like this. But I want to feel his hands caressing me just like he did earlier. Does that make me a masochist?

I feel the wetness between my legs. I turn on the shower in the hope that a cold shower will cool me off. But I am lying to myself. In the shower thoughts of him come more frequently and precisely. I close my eyes. My hand finds its way to my most sensitive area. My fingers have barely touched it and I’m on edge. I think about our first kiss. The first time he could have claimed me but didn’t. His lips tracing the line of my neck down to my breast. With my other hand, I pinch my nipples. Sweet torture between both hands. I increase the speed looking for the release I’ve been craving for two days. Imagining his hands are torturing me with pleasure. I try to keep quiet. But it’s hard when I am almost there. I’ve never felt a desire like this. I want Viktor. Shit, I need him. As the realization comes, so does my orgasm. I swear I feel like the whole house heard me. I wonder if he heard me. I’m out of breath and more confused.

After my shower, I pop my head out of the bathroom making sure he isn’t in my bedroom. The clock reads nine. Today doesn’t seem to want to end. I take one of my old t-shirts and leggings to wear. I need tea or something to help me find some sort of peace. I’m emotionally and mentally drained. Even though my orgasm brought some relief I’m still restless. With the bedroom door ajar, I peek out hoping the coast is clear. The house is completely quiet. Hopefully, I won’t run into anyone, especially anyone named Viktor.

“Ms. O’Brien, did you need something?” I’m startled by Mary’s voice.

“I’m just getting some tea.” I say opening cupboards.

“Let me get it for you. Any tea in particular? I’m afraid we just have chamomile and peppermint. But if you tell me the kind you like I’ll pick it up tomorrow.”

“Please don’t trouble yourself. Peppermint is fine.”

“I’ll put the kettle on. It will be a few minutes. I can take it to your bedroom so you don’t have to sit and wait.” Normally I would object but taking her up on her offer means less chance of running into Viktor.

“That will be great.” I leave looking in every direction.

Upstairs is quiet. I wonder if he left. I walk pretty close to his door but don’t hear anything. There is no light spilling through the door either. Why do I care? I don’t want to be in the same room as him. He knows no boundaries. What I need to do is find ways to avoid him. To be out of his reach. I open the door to my bedroom and smell his scent. It’s like he is in here. But he is not. I shake my head trying to get the image of him out of my head. I walk to the dresser where my phone is. There are two texts.

Tina: Hi Ava. Don’t know if you remember me. It’s Tina, Viktor’s cousin. Was wondering if you had plans on Friday. Want to have lunch? Hope to hear from you.

Viktor must have given her my number. This entire family has no boundaries. He assumes I want to hang out with Tina. She sent the text a few hours ago. I didn’t hear my phone go off. I decide not to answer since it’s late. The next text makes me angry.

Viktor: Your driver Marco starts tomorrow at six in the morning. You are only allowed to leave the house with him. He has a list of approved places you can go to. Anything not on the list we can discuss.
