Page 44 of Possession

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“I didn’t. You remind me every chance you get.” He closes the door and locks it. “What are you doing?”

“We need to talk.”

“And that requires a locked door?”

“Are you nervous, baby girl?” There is mischief in his tone.

“I told you to stop calling me that.” He is standing in front of me with only a glass desk between us.

“And I told you I do as I please. Sit.” My body obeys him and it makes me angry. “Good girl.” He smiles and sits. “You are welcome to use this office as often as you like. It has been assigned to you.” He tells me like this is normal.

“You realize this isn’t normal, right? You can’t forbid me from going to places. You don’t own me.”

“I never said this was normal and you are my employee. As such you will do as I say. The quicker you adapt the easier this will be.”

“You can’t expect me to jump every time you say jump. I am my own person. When this is over, I need a life to return to.” He stands and walks over. I try to move before he reaches but to no avail. He is quicker than me.

“As long as you wear my ring,” he stops mid sentence and looks at my hand. I look at him. “Why aren’t you wearing it?” Shit.

“I forgot.” I say honestly.

“First and last time. He takes out his phone. “Where are you? Go to the house. Ava left her ring. I don’t care. Now Oliver.” He ends the call.

“You are so rude. Walking around without a ring doesn’t make me any less engaged to you.”

“I bought the ring for you to wear. I expect it on you at all times.”

“Viktor, it’s just a ring.” He closes the distance.

“You represent me, Baby girl. The world needs to know at all times you are mine. There should never be any doubt.” His voice deepens, making my knees buckle.

“I’m not yours.” He grabs my face.

“You are mine. Don’t forget it.”

“I’m your employee. We aren’t a couple.”

I don’t get to finish my sentence. His lips crush mine. It’s a demanding kiss. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. What the hell? I can’t resist him. He puts me against the glass window. I feel the heat of the sun on my back. My fingers dig into his hair.

“Viktor,” I moan.

“You are mine. Say it.” He softly bites my lower lip. I swear I taste blood. I want more. I need more. We are interrupted by the ring of his phone. “What? I’ll be there in a minute.” He ends the call and sets me down. “I have to go. I’ll come back in a few hours for lunch. If you need anything, let Becky know.”

He leaves me hot and bothered, needing release. His constant torture is driving me insane.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I probably should stop teasing her. Every time I do, I am torturing myself. My need to control her and impose my will on her grows by the minute. I want her full submission. I desire her beyond reason. I don’t know what it is about her. Perhaps if I claim her my need will disappear. It bothered me that she wasn’t wearing my ring. I want every man who walks this earth to know she is taken. To know she is mine. What am I saying? I’m not keeping her. When the time comes, I will send her on her merry way.

“Oliver, I asked you to get her ring.” I demand as I walk into my office where he is waiting.

“You asked for the ring to be brought here. I don’t believe it was necessary for me to go.”

“Excuse me?” I’m shocked by his audacity.

“We have pending business more important than a ring.”
