Page 43 of Possession

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“I want to go outside. I don’t want to be here.” He is quiet. Probably thinking of an excuse to say no.

“I’m not comfortable with the library. There are too many variables.” I am not sure what he means. “But I have an alternative. A happy medium if you will.”

“What can that possibly be?” My voice is full of sarcasm.

“I own an office building downtown. You are welcome to come here.”

“How is that any different than your house? You can’t expect me to agree to that.”

“It’s your house too. You choose, the house or the office.”

“Doesn’t sound like much of a choice.” I mumble. He is moving me from one prison to another.

“I’m busy. I need to get back to work. You might not like your choices but you have them. Text me what you decide. I’ll let Marco know my decision.” He ends the call before I can respond. Not even a goodbye. He is infuriating.

After a few minutes of debating with myself, I decide on the office. Maybe it might be easier to get away. Viktor is all about living a flashy lifestyle. If the office building is anything like this house it’s bound to be big. Maybe he has a lot of people working there. I turn to Marco as he is ending a call.

“Marco, I would like to go to the office.”

“Of course Ms. O’Brian.”

“Call me Ava.”

“I am afraid I can’t.” I shake my head.

In the SUV I think about the reality of being Viktor’s fake fiancé. I knew some things weren’t going to be easy but still. He needs boundaries and quick. If I don’t set them now, I am not sure I will be able to later. I understand I am paying off a debt and it’s his rules. But I am not a prisoner. It doesn’t take long for us to arrive. In a million years would I have never have imagined him in one of these buildings. I pictured an old building with thugs outside. There is a large sign that reads Manarch Industries. It looks so corporate. It’s not what I was expecting from someone like him.

“We will park and go upstairs. There is an office available for you.” I don’t say anything. I nod. It’s not his fault Viktor is a controlling asshole. “Your office is on the tenth floor.”


After we park we walk to the building Marco beside me the whole time. It’s kind of weird. But this whole thing is weird. The office building is beautiful. The lobby screams money. But I don’t want to distract myself with shiny things. This is not my life. I can’t get comfortable or forget for a second why I am here and who Viktor is. The doors to the elevator opens. I wonder how he knows where he is going. I guess it doesn’t matter. We ride in silence. On the tenth floor, the door opens and he walks out first.

“Ms. O’Brien, so glad to have you here.” Greets a woman by the front desk as we walk out of the elevator.


“I’m Becky. I’ll be helping you with anything you need. Mr. Manarch is currently in a meeting. He asked I escort you to your office.”

“My office?” I ask, confused.

“Yes, your office. We apologize it isn’t ready. We didn’t know you were coming. If you can follow me.” I walk behind her confused at what is happening.

“I don’t understand.” She stops in front of a beautiful office.

“This is your office. We don’t have an assistant for you that we can assign at the moment but I’ll make a call.”

“I’m sorry I think you might be mistaken. I don’t need an assistant or my own office.”

“Thank you, Becky. I’ll take it from here.” His voice makes me quiver. I turn to see Viktor in his full glory. He looks gorgeous like he belongs here. His suit is tailored and a five o’clock shadow that makes my temperature rise.

“Yes sir.” Becky leaves and Marco follows. Honestly, I forgot he was even here. Spooky how quiet he is.

“After you.” Viktor says without a care in the world. I roll my eyes but enter the office. It’s bright and beautiful. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to greet you. Last minute meeting. I couldn’t get away from it.”

“I don’t need an explanation and you certainly didn’t need to trouble yourself.” I set my things on a glass desk.

“I need to greet my future wife or did you forget?” I shake my head. Somehow he is mocking me.
