Page 51 of Possession

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He first takes off my ballerina flats. I close my eyes letting the warmth of his fingers start to relax me. Then my shirt, pants, bra, and panties last. He scans me up and down. I can’t tell if he is admiring or realizing I’m not his type. I am not as beautiful as the woman from the album. I can understand the disappointment. He picks me up and gently sets me in the tub.

“Don’t,” I grab his arm, stopping him from leaving me alone.

“I’m not going anywhere.” I let his arm go. He undresses. He is perfect. Flawless. “Move up a little so I can get in.” I do as he says. In the tub, he pulls me against his chest. I feel his desire for me. “Did he touch you?”

“No.” I whisper.

“I need you to be honest.”

“He only touched and smelled my hair. You came in before anything could happen.”

“No man alive will ever touch you.”

He takes a loofa and slowly starts washing me. The neck, shoulder, breasts, arms, down my stomach. It’s sensual, every movement is intentional. He sets the loofa down and starts again. This time with his bare hand. I feel the heat of his fingers leaving their mark behind. He takes his time. I can’t help the moans escaping me. His fingers touch me like I am his instrument. I let him. I need him to replace the thought of Joe trying to touch me. He didn’t get a chance to do anything worse, but he touched more than my hair. I don’t see the point in telling Viktor. He probably would go back and kill Joe, and he isn’t worth it.

“Viktor,” I moan as his hand goes under the water. Softly caressing between the lips, his fingers going over my clit.

“You’re so ready for me.” My hand goes to stop his. This isn’t a good idea, even if it’s what I need. “Relax. Let me take care of you.” He starts to massage as my body seeks the release it so desperately needs. I grab his leg trying to hold on to something. I am overwhelmed. His speed increases. “Let go, Baby girl.” I let every move he makes consume me.

“Viktor,” I moan as my orgasm devours me. I turn, seeking his lips. I crush his lips. It’s a rough kiss. I sit on him, facing him. I want more. I need more.

“This is not about me. I will claim you, just not like this.” He says breaking the kiss. He gets out of the tub making the water feel instantly ice cold. He returns with a towel wrapped around his waist. “We can’t have you catch a cold.” He smiles. “Let’s get you out of the water.”

I step out. He wraps my head with a towel. With another towel he dries my body with finesse and precision like he has done it before a thousand times. But of course it is the first time with me. I bet he has done just this to countless women. He covers me with a robe. He leads me to his bed. I think he is going to take me to my bedroom. But he doesn’t. He opens a drawer and pulls out a t-shirt. He takes the towel off my head and dries my hair further. He puts the t-shirt over my head.

“I can’t have you distracting me, knowing you're naked in my bed.” His tone is playful but dark. “In bed. You need to rest. I’ll wake you in a few hours for an early dinner.”

“Are you leaving me? Please don’t.” He looks at me debating a response. My need for him surprises me. It’s not logical. He is quiet for a long time.

“Let me get my laptop. I’ll work as you sleep.”

“Ok, but hurry back, please.” I don’t recognize my unexplainable need for him. He smiles.

“I’ll be back.” He leaves the bedroom. I’m confused, why do I feel like this? Why do I suddenly need him beside me?

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Going downstairs my thoughts are overtaken by the feel of Ava’s body. She fits perfectly in my arms. The woman is pure perfection. There isn’t a single blemish on her skin. It’s smooth and oozes lavender. She is perfect. The woman I want beside me. She is different from Fiona. Where Fiona is entitled, Ava is sweet. Fiona forces seduction, Ava has a natural sex appeal. Ava’s smile and voice does something to me I can’t explain. The thought of another man touching her makes me want to kill him. Kill any man who touches her. But with Fiona I could care less.

“How is she?” Oliver asks as I enter my office.

“She is fine. Resting.”

“I took care of Joe. He won’t be coming near the O’Brien’s. Their debt is cleared.”

“Thank you.” I pick up my laptop. He stares. “What?”

“Nothing.” He shakes his head.

“Speak Oliver. I am not in the mood.”

“She is your blind spot.”

“She is an employee.”

“If you say so.”
