Page 52 of Possession

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“What does that mean?”

“Nothing brother. I’ll be around the house if you need me.” I want to question him but I don’t want to leave Ava alone any longer than I have to.

I open the door to my bedroom and she is sitting, knees against her chest, hugging herself. She is so vulnerable. She looks so small. Whatever Joe did to her it shook her to the core. Her body relaxes when she sees me. She lays when I sit on the bed. I push strands of hair from her beautiful face. She closes her eyes as my fingers caress her. I find myself getting hard. I want her. But one night isn’t going to be enough. That is for sure. I want her in my bed every night. Her breathing slows down. I watch her body find peace as she lays beside me.

Oliver is right. We are facing something bigger than I want to admit. My father isn’t going to allow me to break the deal he has brokered for anyone. For me to marry Cillian’s daughter, Fiona. Cillian is a powerful man. Ava doesn’t bring anything to the table. No name, power, or fortune. But looking at her, I can’t imagine having another woman by my side. She has blurred the lines in just a few days. Is Oliver right? Has she become my blind spot? Even in our arguments, she isn’t toxic like Fiona. The more I compare them, the more I know what choice I want to make. But it doesn’t mean it’s the right one. She hasn’t been here long and she is changing everything. There has to be something, a way out, something Cillian wants more that will lead to the same outcome. Marrying Fiona can’t be the only answer. But we can’t afford a war. He is a powerful man who can bring chaos.

I look through emails trying to occupy myself with something else. Taking Manarch Industries public has been harder than I first expected. I want to bring us into this decade. When I take over, I want things to be better. Our off the book business is still a go but it will be easier to hide behind a legitimate business. I’ve been looking into investing more. Expanding my portfolio. Looking for better ways to clean our money. I see an email from John.

Mr. Manarch,

I have a few names for Hedge Funds.

They come highly recommended. The deal with

the hotel is complete. I need a meeting.

Please call my office to schedule.

With everything going on I forgot about the hotel. It’s my first business venture outside the family business. Years of working for my father and my inheritance has me living comfortably. But I want something aside from the family business. Something I built.

When I met with John the other day it was to discuss my money outside the family. Investing on my own and a few profitable ventures, John concluded I am a billionaire. Who knew? I can break off from my father and it wouldn’t make a dent in my life. I don’t need my father. If it wasn’t for my responsibilities as the eldest, I would have walked away. I need time to think. To get away from all the noise. Then it occurs to me. A trip to my newly acquired hotel with Ava is just what we both need.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


It’s been a long few days and there isn’t any word on Fiona. Oliver has men searching but she hasn’t been found. I am beginning to think it was just a rumor to unsettle me. Either way it doesn’t matter. Fiona is my past. I want nothing to do with her. I have more things I need to worry about.

Right now I am walking to the guardhouse where they are holding Joe. I normally would not have brought him here but I can’t seem to be able to be away from Ava. She has been waking up screaming in tears every night since the incident. A few nights ago I heard her speak in her sleep. She was telling Joe not to touch her. To get his hands off her breast. I nearly got in my car to kill him. I ordered for him to be found and brought to me today. I enter the guardhouse and walk to the stairs that lead to the basement.

“Sir, everything is ready.” One of my men says as I reach the door. I walk downstairs and hear Joe scream.

“Dougal will hear of this. He won’t tolerate me being held against my will.” He yells to Oliver.

“Hey,” I greet.

“Viktor, you have to believe me. I didn’t do anything to her. Whatever she is saying is a lie. She is playing you.” I walk straight to him and punch him. The chair he is sitting on rattles.

“You are a waste of a man.” I say.

“You are believing a whore from the projects over a man of my reputation.” I hit him again.

“It’s because of your reputation that you are here. You knew it was only a matter of time before you paid for your sins.” I stand back looking at a pathetic man covered in blood.

“You wouldn’t believe what I found.”

I look at Oliver. “What?”

“We didn’t even come close to the evil shit he does.” Joe spits out blood, but Oliver ignores it and continues talking. “There was porn everywhere with women younger than Ava and a woman who was tied up in a closet in his house. He is the worst kind of man.” I take my gun from my back.

“Please don’t kill me. I swear I’m sick. I will make things right.” I walk to him and pull the trigger.

“He deserved it but are you sure about this? This is going to come with consequences.” Oliver says as I walk towards the stairs.

“This is a kill, I'm willing to pay the price for.”

I take the stairs leaving Oliver to clean the mess. I know what he is talking about. If my father learns I killed Joe behind his back he will want to punish me. He won’t care that I killed him. He will care that I didn’t discuss it with him. It’s not an order that came from him. But I couldn’t stand knowing he was breathing after what he did to Ava. She hasn’t been the same since that night.
