Page 7 of Possession

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“Same shit. Dealing with Bryan as usual.” I like Brooke. The thing about her is she overshares. Today I am not in the mood to listen to her go on and on.

“I hear you.”

“Do you have a minute?” She asks seriously, pulling me to the side.

“Sure.” I am suddenly curious about the need for privacy. We talk but we aren’t exactly friends.

“Um well…” She starts looking around.

“Spit it out, Brooke.” I say harsher than I should.

“I’m not sure if I should say something. It isn’t my place. I saw your boyfriend with another woman.”

“Not my boyfriend. But thanks for the info.” I keep walking.

“That’s not all.” I stop in my tracks. Can this day get any worse? “It was Nancy.”

It doesn’t surprise me. The clothes on the floor looked cheap. I thought I recognized them. The last time Nathan was here she was all over him. They deserve each other. I have bigger problems than dealing with Nathan and his cheating.

“Thanks for letting me know. But as I said he isn’t my boyfriend.”

“She is a bitch. She will sleep with anyone who gives her attention and has money.”

“She will have a rude awakening when she learns Nathan has nothing to his name. He lives a life he can’t afford. I should know.” I say more to myself.


“I need to get ready. My shift is about to start in ten minutes.” I add walking to the lockers.

I am currently wearing leggings and ballerina flats. I hate wearing the “uniform”, as they call it, here to work. It’s a too-tight red corset with leather pants that look painted on my body. It makes me look like I work at the corner waiting for johns. Something about sex appeal. Makeup is expected to be over the top. Again, cheap. Gotham is about the illusion of seduction. Sex on a platter. I don’t like to be seen outside dressed like that. I don’t need people getting the wrong impression. It is not who I am. But here I have a role to play if I want good tips.


Three hours later, Gotham is crowded. I always wonder how the fire department isn’t called to shut down this place every time I work. We are definitely over capacity. There has to be like six hundred people here. You can hardly walk around. If it weren’t for the money I would call them myself.

I wish I could call it a night and be home in my pj’s. I can totally use a night in with a bucket of ice cream and Netflix. But the night is just getting started. Hopefully I can make good tips today. My head is pounding since I skipped dinner. Another indication of how broke I am. But in a few hours, I will be home resting. I need to power through this. I know I can. I’ve been in worse situations.

“Ava, Brooke needs help in VIP three.”

“Let me take these drinks to table five.”

“Ok. You’ll have to take the order. She is stuck in one.”

“Got it.”

Another thing about Gotham, there are multiple floors with multiple VIPs. The club was designed as an open concept. It’s like a concert venue. There are people on the sides able to look at the main floor but have the privacy they desire.

After dropping off the drinks I take the stairs to VIP three. It’s filled with guys and women wearing skimpy clothes. It’s probably why I don’t notice him at first. But then I’m never in VIP. Has he been here before?

“Good evening. Welcome to Gotham. Can I get you started with something?” I ask, looking at him confused. Why is he here? Is he following me? I need to get a grip. The whole city is here. Why wouldn’t he be?

“A full service for Manarch.” A man beside him says. It’s the same man who sat beside him earlier. I see a trace of resemblance. I don’t dare ask what a Manarch full service is. I am sure this must not be their first time here.

“Right away.”

I leave before anyone can add anything. I am nervous just breathing the same air as Viktor. His eyes never stopped looking at me as I stood taking their order. I swear he was gawking. But I couldn’t stop looking either. I felt like we were the only two people in the club. Like nothing else mattered. Not the people surrounding him or the music. Complete silence, just him and me. I walk downstairs trying to get it together. I need to get over myself.

“VIP three wants the full service for Manarch.” I repeat.
