Page 8 of Possession

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“Shit.” The bartender says.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“I don’t know if we have everything. Since Brooke is still stuck, I’ll put some of the stuff together for you to take. I will be right back. Have to go to the back.” The bartender looks nervous.


A few minutes later the bartender returns with a bucket filled with a few bottles on ice and a basket with cups, fruits, cheese, some types of meats, and plates. There is also a bouncer and a busboy. I look at them confused. What the hell is this about?

“He is carrying the bucket and the bouncer is clearing the way.” He laughs.

“Right.” I smile.

Walking with the bouncer in front of me is nice. Everyone moves out of my way. Entering the VIP, I see a woman whispering in Viktor’s ear. I don’t know why it bothers me but it does. I am acting like he is mine. I don’t know him or have any claim over him. I look away but not before seeing a smirk on his face. How annoying that he caught me looking. I set everything down on the table. I go into the basket and start taking things out.

“Does anyone need me to pour a drink?” No one speaks or moves for what feels like the longest thirty-seconds of my life. A few people look to Viktor.

“Scotch neat.” Viktor finally says, looking at me.

I open the bottle and pour. I’m generous with the pour. He is Viktor Manarch after all. As I walk to him I notice the woman is no longer beside him. I didn’t even realize she wasn’t standing beside him. Another indicator I need to stay away from him. I lose focus of my surroundings. He takes all my attention. I hand him his drink. Our fingers touch. I feel the heat and quickly pull my hand back.

“Thank you, Ms. O'Brien.” His voice is deep, pure seduction. This man is pure trouble.

Suddenly as I hand him the glass I feel like everything is spinning. I’m pretty sure I am seconds away from passing out. He takes the glass from me as I put my hand on his shoulder to steady myself.

Chapter Five


“Wow,” Ava places her hand on my shoulder to steady herself. I look at her. “Sorry.” She pulls back her hand.

“Sit,” I stand and point at my seat.

“No thanks. I’m fine.”

“I’ll determine that.” I slowly push her to my seat. “Oliver, water.” Ten seconds later he passes me a bottle. “Drink.” She looks at me hesitantly. “Drink,” I repeat. She takes a sip. “More.” She does but not before rolling her eyes. She closes her eyes and takes slow even breaths. “How are you feeling?”

“I am fine.” She begins to stand but I push her back down. “What?” She asks with an attitude.

“You look pale. Did you eat?” I find myself worried for her. An emotion I don’t often get.

“Doesn’t concern you. I need to get back to work.” She stands again. This time I let her. Two steps towards me and she faints. Luckily, I catch her before she falls.

“I’m leaving.” I say to Oliver. As I walk, carrying her, Ava’s scent spills over. It is intoxicating. It’s a soft, sweet lavender scent. A few steps later she starts moving. She tries to wiggle herself out of my arms.

“Put me down.”

“Relax.” She struggles to be let down. It only makes me hold her tighter. “Stop fighting.” She can try all she wants but she isn’t going anywhere. I won’t allow it.

“Put me down or I’ll scream.”

“Good luck getting someone to hear you.” I mock.

“Please.” Her plea stops me in my tracks. I don’t understand why. But just the same I set her down. “Thanks.”

“We are leaving,” I tell her.

“I don’t know you. I’m not going anywhere with you. And for your information, I’m working. I can’t exactly up and leave.”
