Page 98 of Possession

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“Gave everyone five. Why did you wait until now to tell me about this?” His tone is serious.

“Because I didn’t know. She just showed up. Why are you upset?”

“I’m sorry. I am not. Just a long morning.”

“You work too hard. You need a break.”

“Hopefully after we go live with the IPO things will settle.”

“I am so proud of you.” I grab my bag.

“Thanks, Baby girl.”

“You're welcome. I should only be gone for a few hours. I want to be back early for dinner tonight.”

“About that.” He starts.

“Oh no, mister. You will be here on time. No excuses.”

“Ok, ok. You are tougher than some of my board members.” I laugh.

“Don’t forget it. I should go. I don’t want to keep Tina any longer than I should. Who knows what kind of trouble she is getting into?”

“I’ll call Marco and let him know.”

“Always controlling.” I giggle.

“What can I say, you are the air I breathe.” I shake my head even though he can’t see me.

“You should really get back to your meeting. I’ll let you know when I am back home.”

“Text me when you reach wherever you go shopping.”

“Yes sir,” I say in a low, sexy voice.

“Behave. It will only take me twenty minutes to get to you.”

“And what are you going to do?” I tease.

“Should I show you?” His voice deepens.

“Bye. Go back to work.” He chuckles. I end the call.

The man is something altogether. I walk downstairs excited to spend time with Tina. We have become so close and I love it. It’s nice having someone who understands this life. We have become sisters. Downstairs she is talking to Marco.

“When can I get your number?” She flirts. Marco looks uncomfortable.

“Leave the poor man alone. Don’t you get tired? Where is your new beau?”

“History.” She laughs. I shake my head.

“Ready Marco?”

“Yes. Where are we going?”

“Downtown.” Tina chimes in.

“The SUV is ready.”
