Page 26 of Revenge

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“I’ll keep you posted.”

“Then it’s settled. Let’s get a drink. It’s been a long day.”

Chapter Sixteen


“Good, you are still here,” Maddie says.

“For five more minutes.” I tease.

“I need a favor.”

“Your favors tend to be time consuming.”

“I wouldn’t ask if I had another alternative.”

“What did you do?” I wipe the counter down.

“My babysitter just called. My kid is throwing up. Can you close for me?” I eye her.“Pretty please? I’ll make you that cake you like.”

“That’s not fair. You know I am a sucker for cake, especially your cake.” She pulls me for a hug, knowing I have already agreed. How can I say no?

“You are getting big.” My belly is starting to get in the way of everything.

“This little human inside of me wants the world to know it’s inside my belly and coming.” I rub my belly.

“Enjoy it. They grow so fast. Thank you for helping me out. You won’t need to do anything but close the door. I’ve taken care of everything else.”

“You’re lucky it’s just another hour. I want my payment on Friday.” We laugh.

“I’ll bring the cake. You bring your appetite.”

I love working here. Everyone has been amazing. It’s about the only silver lining besides my baby. I can’t wait to hold him/her. Hopefully, in a week or so, I’ll know the sex of the baby. I try to stay busy so time can go faster, but no such luck. It’s like time has decided to take its time. My back is beginning to ache, and my feet are swollen. I walk around rearranging merchandise, willing time to move faster. Finally, I’m excited when the clock tells me closing is in less than five minutes. My hope is no customers will come. No such luck. I hear the chime. I look up at the door.

“Welcome to…” I stop when I meet Oliver’s eyes.“What are you doing here?” I look past him, hoping Viktor isn’t with him.

“Don’t worry. I’m alone.” He stares at my growing belly. He walks towards me.“Can we talk?”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea. Besides, I’m working.”

“Aren’t you closing in five minutes?” A reminder he is a Manarch all-knowing.“Please.”

“Fine. Give me a few minutes. Meet me at the diner down the street.”

“I’ll wait.”

“I have to close, as you pointed out. My boss won’t like me doing so with you here.”

“Ava,” he starts.

“Please, Oliver. It’s the diner or nothing.”

He doesn’t say anything and leaves. I let out the breath I was holding. If he is here, Viktor is sure to follow. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do. I can leave through the back door and not talk to him. But I am sure he has all exits covered. Oliver is always prepared for anything. If he is here, he knows everything there is to know about my new life. The truth is, I knew this moment would eventually come. I just thought it would be Viktor who would find me. But maybe he does not want anything to do with me after all

. His text was clear. I turn off the lights and walk outside to lock the door.

“You are still here,” I say when I exit the store.“I thought we agreed on the diner.”
