Page 113 of Absolution

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“Nothing yet. Jimmy called. Ray is dead, and Ava is missing. They were running an errand.”

“Fuck! Why couldn’t she just stay put?”

He’s not asking a question, but I answer him anyway, “She probably left to get stuff for the kids. But the why doesn’t matter. Go to the docks. I’ll find her.”

“No fucking way. I’m coming your way.”

“This is what our father wants. He wants you to react. Think, Viktor. Chances are he doesn’t know we know. If you don’t go to the docks, he will know something is up. I’ll call you the minute I find her.”

I’m annoyed I didn’t make sure she had her locket on her before I left. It would’ve guaranteed I knew where she was at all times.

“Oliver…” His voice sounds pained.

“I’ll find her. I called Angus. He’s taking the kids out of two-twenty-five. Everything else we’ll have to play by ear.”

“I’m going to put a fucking bullet in his head.”

“Be my guest, but stay your course. I’ve got this.”

“I’m trusting you.” His voice is a mixture of anger and exhaustion.

I stop and think about places our father could have taken Ava. My father has always ignored me. He treats me as if I don’t exist, like I’m invisible. However, I have always been a good listener and observer. Often, he forgot I was in a room. I consider the properties he owns.

I eliminate everything in the city. Next, I eliminate any place he publicly uses for executions. They’d be too obvious. I’m left with two possible locations.

After hailing another cab, I direct the driver to take me to Eros.

It’s time for me to gear up and find my sister.



Viktor and Oliver left to meet with Dougal an hour ago. The plan we put together isn’t perfect, but it should work. Ultimately, they will meet with him and hear him out.

Cillian is dead, so that threat is out of the way. We don’t need to worry about Dougal working with anyone else. They also want to find out how the Irish are handling things without Cillian. We don’t think anyone knows I killed him, but we can’t be sure that is the case. They just prefer no one knows I pulled the trigger.

I could care less. I’m just glad Cillian is finally out of our lives.

“Brenda,” I call on my way to the second floor.

“Hey.” She peers up from where she sits on the floor with the kids.

“I’m going to step out for like an hour, tops. Will you be okay with the kids?”

“Of course. But are you sure you should leave?” She’s worried about me, which is understandable. The last twenty-four hours have been brutal for everyone.

Brenda’s worry makes me wonder if I should have brought her with me.

Perhaps I should have forced her home. Realizing now isn’t the time to open that can of worms, I say, “I’m not going far. I need to get the basics. It will be quicker if I go than try to explain to one of the men what we need for the kids.”

“That is true.” She smiles. It isn’t her full smile.

“Did you need anything?”

She shakes her head. “I’m okay, truly.”

“If you think of anything, please call me. I’m going to Target. They have pretty much everything.” I hand her a burner cell. “Only use this if you need to call me.”
