Page 139 of Absolution

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But we were expecting that.

“It’s time for new blood to lead,” one of the men adds.

I nod. “Will the following men step forward? Angus, Beiste, John, Finn, Knox, and Tate.” Oliver and I had conversations with each man prior to the meeting. They’re the new capos of the Clan. “You’re expected to learn from those before you. To live by our vows.”

“Aye,” they declare in unison.

“Bobby, Alisdeir, Finlay, Kelso, Seusmas, and Murdo, we thank you for your loyalty and service.”

My father’s councilors stand and move to the left, opposite my men on the right.

I shift my focus to Bobby when he snarls, “Your father wouldn’t stand for this. An entire council replaced.”

I take my gun out and set it on the table in warning. “My father is dead.”


“Choose your next words carefully.”

He reaches for his gun, but I shoot him in the head before he can take it out.

I knew it would come to this. Bobby had always wanted to rule the Clan.

As Bobby’s body slumps to the floor, the whispers start up again.

“Silence! I won’t rule as my father did, but I will have the last word.” I scan the room. “For those who don’t wish to be here, the door is open. But know this, you will be considered an enemy the minute you leave.”

Angus has two men move Bobby’s body while the new capos take their seats. I wait until they’re settled before I speak again. I begin reciting our oath. The men join me.

I solemnly swear to serve my Clan and never accept defeat. I’ll fight until my last breath and never leave a fallen brother behind. I’ll honor my brothers before me. I vow never to betray my Clan. I’ll protect and live by the Manarch Clan Code.



Viktor and Oliver left for their meeting a few hours ago, and I’m a nervous wreck. I’m praying everything goes as planned, but it’s hard to know. I’ve been in this life long enough to know not everything is smooth sailing. But this is what we have been working toward. Finishing an unnecessary war to get our happily ever after.

“Ava,” Brenda calls.

“Sorry, what is it?” I was so deep in my thoughts I forgot she was talking to me.

“I asked if you are planning to take the kids to the burial?”

Hair falls in front of my eyes when I shake my head. “They don’t need to be there. I’ll have Mary stay with you.”

Since the chaos has settled down, I asked Viktor to bring Mary back. Apparently, Mary went to Scotland to be with her family shortly after I left Viktor. She’s been gone for far too long. I never realized how much we needed her—I needed her.

“Did you need me to do anything?”

“No.” I check my cell. I still haven’t heard anything from Viktor or Oliver, and it’s making me anxious.

“Everything okay?” Brenda asks, stepping closer.

“Yes. I’m heading to the office. Please get me when the kids wake.”

She bows her head in acknowledgment. “Sure.”

