Page 15 of Absolution

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“Myhusband?” I glance at Viktor and smile.

“Not a lot of dedicated husbands like yours left in NYC.” She laughs lightly. “Only eat as much of the Jell-O as you want. Call if you need anything.”

“Thanks.” As Nurse Peyton heads back to her station, I ask, “Did we get married while I was sleeping?”

“Something like that.” When Viktor smiles, I laugh, but it hurts, making me wince. “What is it?”

“Don’t make me laugh. Everything hurts.”

“I’m sorry, baby girl,” he utters apologetically.

“Are you going to tell me if we got married while I was unconscious?” I tease.

“I told you. Something like that.”

I know he is joking, but the thought makes me smile. “I want proof.”

He leans closer and moves a few strands of hair away from my face. “Eat your Jell-O,” he orders, attempting to hide his smirk.

“Even laying in a hospital bed doesn’t excuse me from your demanding, controlling ways.” I roll my eyes even though it’s a truth I’ve come to accept.

His smirk twists my stomach in a good way. “Never.”

“I love you, Viktor.”

Without missing a beat, he replies, “I love you always.”

As I eat, Viktor recounts everything that has happened and where we go from here. He’s planned everything down to the second, and it exposes the depth of his love for me. For the first time since I met Viktor, I know exactly what I want. I’m tired of us putting our life on hold for one reason or another. Life is too short, and I don’t want to waste another second.

“Viktor…” I interrupt him.

He locks his eyes with mine. “What is it?”

The worry in his eyes shifts to surprise when I announce, “Let’s get married.”

His smile takes my pain away. “I thought we were.”

“I don’t want to wait. Let’s get married as soon as possible. The moment I’m discharged from the hospital, or you could bring an officiant here.”

“Are you sure?” He takes my hand, still smiling, even with worry in his eyes. “You’re not fit to travel, and I want you to have the wedding you deserve.”

“I don’t need a wedding. Being your wife is what matters to me.”

He deliberates for what feels like an eternity before my pleading eyes win. “Okay. But I’ll have something set up at the house when you’re discharged from the hospital. That way, you can rest if it becomes too much.”

“I want to do it now, likerightnow. You are the most powerful man in the city, so can’t you do something?”

“I could.” As his chest inflates, he chuckles. “But don’t you want the family present while reciting your vows?”

“I don’t want to have regrets. We’ve seen how one moment can changeeverything.”

His deliberation is nowhere near as long this time around. “Okay. I’ll see what I can do.”

He softly kisses me, then pulls his cell out of his pocket. He is the man I want to grow old with. I’m done fighting the inevitable. It doesn’t matter how hard I try to declare otherwise. It will always be him.

* * *

“Good afternoon,” a woman greets us an hour later as she enters with a man behind her.
