Page 83 of Four Masked Wolves

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There was no fucking way that I was heading home without them. I’d promised Sina that I would do anything to protect her and wouldn’t let anyone hurt her again, that I would give her the revenge that she deserved.

“We’re looking for a vampire that was last seen at your party last night,” one said.

“What do humans want with a vampire?” Xorgor asked, blocking Maxine from them.

Any demon could withstand a regular bullet, but Xorgor didn’t know that a bullet from their guns could kill him. I needed to get inside and knock them out before they could ever aim the gun in his direction.

“That’s none of your business,” the goon said.

I inched closer to the front door, peeked into the house, and pulled Sina’s potion from my jeans pocket. She had been dead set on each of us carrying a small potion with us at all times, just in case something happened. Once I flicked the cork off with my thumb, I drank it.

“It’s my business if you’re at my front door.”

“This isn’t your house, Mr. …” The goon stopped and scrunched his fat, ugly nose at Xorgor’s half-human, half-demon appearance. “Whatever you are. We’re here for Maxine. She has information.”

“She has no information,” Xorgor said, pushing Maxine back another few feet to keep her out of harm’s way. “Now, get the fuck out of here. There wasn’t a vampire here last night that fits the description you gave us.”

“If she doesn’t have information on the vampire, surely, she has information on Sina.”

At the mere mention of my mate’s name, I lunged into the room from behind the two men. I wrapped my hand around one’s face and pounded him into the ground, headfirst and so hard that he immediately blacked out.

The other twirled around at lightning speed, aimed his gun at me, and shot three bullets in my direction. I jumped out of the way of the first two, but the third pierced right through my abdomen. I growled as blood pooled from my stomach.

While the poisoned bullet had taken effect almost instantly with Gaian, Sina’s potion seemed to work immediately with me. I tore the bullet out of my stomach, flung it back at the asshole, and let my wolf heal the wound.

He shot another bullet in my direction, but I caught it between two fingers, shifted into my wolf, and sank my canines into his right hand, tearing it off his body. He screamed in pain, and his hand and the gun clattered to the ground.

After staring down at his handless arm, he swayed slightly and passed the fuck out.

I shifted back into my human, grabbed the gun, and nodded to Xorgor. “Keep Maxine safe. They know what Sina is, and they’ll do anything to get her back.”

Thirty minutes later, I stepped onto pack grounds and headed directly for the prison. Unlike her father’s other goons, I wasn’t going to torture and kill these guys. I’d kick the shit out of them when they awoke, but Sina would kill them.

I wanted to see her true power.

“Get to the prison,”I said through the mind link.“Now.”

Once I chained the men to different cells, I paced outside of them and resisted the urge to just fucking kill them now. I wanted their pathetic lives to be over already, but I needed to wait. I couldn’t make senseless decisions anymore.

Not if Sina really was the Paragon.

Gaian and Calder walked into the prison, chatting about Sina quietly. When they saw the goons behind me, they growled and hurried over to me.

“Where the fuck did you find them?” Calder snapped.

“Maxine’s house.”

“Why were you there?” Gaian asked. “And why haven’t you killed them?”

“Because I know what Sina is.”

Calder’s hard gaze shifted from the men to me. “What?”

“It’s folktale, legend, demon lore,” I said, shaking my head and hoping to the Moon Goddess that they would believe me. All other species had laughed about it every time they heard it being brought up, none of them willing to believe that there was a stronger species out there. “It’s called”—I looked over my shoulder to make sure the men hadn’t woken up—“the Paragon.”

“The Paragon?” Calder asked.

“The perfect being.”
