Page 39 of Locked Promises

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Growling under his breath, he nods. “Pizza or home cooked meal?” Levi asks.

While I love when he cooks for us, my stomach makes happy sounds for pizza.

“Pizza,” the three of us chorus together.

Chuckling, he agrees. As we walk, I look over at my best friends. Silently, we agree to find answers, and to never speak of this night again.


The guys tell me to keep my cool and wait for an explanation, but I am about to lose my shit. How could she be lying to us? Who is that King person? Is he the father of Angel? My head is spinning, and after that insane trial, I’m exhausted.

I plop down onto Levi’s couch and shut my eyes. What I saw in those tunnels just doesn't make any sense.

I know that the guys wouldn't push me aside for her. They may love her, but we're family. We just have to complete two more trials and then we will be bound for life.

Bast sits beside me and hands me a beer. I snort at Levi giving us—his underage students—alcohol, but I'm not complaining.

“What do you think it all means?” Bast whispers as Jonas and Levi chat in the kitchen. I shake my head and groan.

“I always knew she would be our greatest challenge,” I grumble, and he smacks my arm.

“Cut that shit out right now, or I'm dragging your grumpy ass to the ring to go a few rounds. I will not have you fucking things up for us again.”

I roll my eyes and cross my arms. “She holds too many secrets, Bast. I know she's been through a lot lately, but we need more information before we drop everything and bind ourselves to her.”

“So what is this about some jizz ring for Chastity?” Levi says with a shake of his head as he enters the living room. Bast starts to laugh, then explains about how we had some weird moment of sin, so we could mix our cum together and send the sample into the company.

“I don't know what to say about this,” Levi says, looking a little wary. “Can I see it at least?”

Jonas nods, then leaves the room. I think he wants to check on Jules too. I can't blame him after hearing his screams and cries. The ring arrived yesterday, after Bastian paid for expedited shipping. I didn't have much funds to contribute, but he didn't care.

Levi gets a call that the pizza has arrived, and leaves us alone to go grab it. Mother Cross doesn't like delivery guys walking into the Academy.

But after the shit we went through tonight for The Society, I don't think Levi cares.

“After Levi's reaction, I'm starting to second guess the ring,” Bast mutters, and I throw my head back, laughing.

“Seriously, after seeing the photo of her and King, you're worried about a ring? I don't know if I even want to give it to her anymore,” I grumble, then finish off the beer.

Bast is quiet and my eyelids get heavy. “We all have our secrets, Ash,” he mumbles, then stands and storms off to the bathroom.

It doesn't take long for him to start heaving. I run my hands over my hair and grab the strands, pulling tight.

Tonight fucked with all of us. I don't know if we will ever be the same.

Jonas returns first with a big smile on his face. He sits next to me and lays his head on my shoulder.

I allow it for a few minutes. “Jules okay?” I ask, and he sighs.

“She wasn't happy about me waking her up, and her roommate threatened to castrate me. I've never been so happy to be threatened before.” I snort and he turns his head, giving me a smile.

“I have to deal with my father. I can't risk her ever being sent home, Ash. I know you don't agree with me following down this dark path of sin, but I will do anything and everything to protect the ones I love. That includes you, Bast, Levi, and Chastity. We're going to be a family.”

I can't listen to him babbling like this right now, so I grip his hair and pull his lips to mine, effectively shutting him up.

I don't want him to blacken his soul. He should let me or Levi handle his task, but I won't argue with him. I'll support him, because I love him.

He pulls away and licks his lips. I've been rock hard since he sat next to me, and if we weren't sitting on Levi's couch, I might have pushed this moment further.
