Page 45 of Braving the Valley

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"What are you doing?" I ask him, wrestling free of his grip and backing away from him. "I told you I'm leaving this place."

"The hell you fucking are," he snarls, stepping forward. "The game's just getting good, baby girl."

"What is wrong with you? Do you not understand the English language? I am leaving. Why are you so obsessed with me?"

"Don't pretend you don't feel the pull," he says with another step. "I will set your pretty ass on fire. Don't think I won't." He reaches into his pocket, grabs his lighter, flips the lid, and starts the flame. "You are mine, Firefly."

It makes me laugh.

"The hell I am. I'm not your property. I'm nothing to you. You don't even know my last name."

"Bardot," he guesses correctly.

When the hell did he learn that?

He grabs a discarded piece of paper off a desk and holds it up to the flame. My eyes go wide as I watch the piece of paper blaze, and then even wider as I watch him continue to hold it.

I stare at the burning piece of paper and so does he before he tears his gaze away to watch me instead.

Memories live in the flame he's holding.

Of a car wreck.

And the crackle of glass.

And me begging my mother to wake up.

Fuck. I'm definitely going to be sick.

"Do you think I won't do it?" he asks me.

"I think you're crazy," I tell him. I take a step back, and he takes a step forward. "I think you shouldn't care what I do to me or my body."

"I care," he hisses, still holding the burning paper, "because you disobey me. You drive me nuts. You make me work for it, and then you dare damage what is mine."

Finally, he drops the smoking paper with a hiss as the flames reach his fingertips.

"I'll never say yes," I tell him as he swallows the distance between us.

He yanks me around the middle, pulling me flush against him.

"It's okay. You don't have to say the words, baby girl," he tells me. "Your pussy already did that for you this morning."

He flattens his mouth to mine, kissing me brutally. He sucks the air out of me and fucks my mouth with his tongue until my chest aches for breath and all of me burns for him. Only then does he break the kiss and say, "You taste like sugar, Firefly."

It's ironic, I think, for me to taste sweet.

He thinks he's won. But he's playing a game he doesn't understand.

I can't be his because I won't even be here in a few short weeks.



This girl with pretty bones and hair the color of fire is quickly becoming a massive pain in my ass. The day after she tells me her parents are going to pull the plug on letting Headmistress try to fix her, she disappears for a week.

A wholefuckingweek.
