Page 76 of Reckless Fate

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“May I offer you anything to drink? Coffee or lemonade?”

I was so ready to pour my heart out that her formal hospitality throws me off. “I-I’ll have a glass of water. Thank you.”

Click. Click. Click. Her heels echo through the large room as she steps around the island to get two glasses and fill them. She gestures toward the large glass door and I follow her to the deck.

We sit down, and relief swamps me at the realization that, with no drama, she’s created a space for me to say my piece. Bianca Cassinetti is scary, but she isn’t a bad person.

In what feels like a single breath, I tell her everything. How we lost the baby, how Massi reacted to it, how I escaped my grief to California and what happened afterward.

I explain what transpired with the dinner event, how Frederick tricked me and how stupidly I believed he was trying to help while all the evidence of my life with him spoke against it.

And I tell her about Sebastien finding his father.

Bianca listens to me in complete silence. Not asking questions, not interrupting with any gesture of shock, disgust or support. I don’t expect her to forward my words to Massi. That’s not why I came. I don’t even know why I felt the need to confess to her, but now I’m happy I’m here. I feel lighter after letting it all out.

“So my grandson is with Massi now?” she asks. “Are you going to stay on the East Coast?”

Her question shocks me. In my mind I haven’t considered anything beyond the next two days when Seb returns from his father’s. What if Massi demands shared custody? In two years Sebastien will be eighteen, but in the meantime do I have a right to keep them apart?

“I haven’t thought that far.” The lightness I felt a moment ago evaporates.

“I’d love it if you stayed. I’m looking forward to meeting my grandson. I always thought you were going to trap my son, but I see now you set him free back then.”

I’m so relieved she grasped my motivation, tears push into my eyes.

“That’s not the way Massi sees things. I screwed up.”

“But your intentions were good and he will recognize that in time. But if you leave again, there is no chance for the two of you. I mean, this might be a very selfish request on my part, but stay for the summer.”

“I have to sell the house to settle my parents’ debt. I can’t pay for my condo in LA and for the house here. Let alone the fees for Mom’s assisted living facility. I don’t have any work here anymore.” I explain my situation.

“Is the financial consideration the only barrier?” she asks. I recall Massi’s donation to the senior home and a bout of apprehension sweeps through me. I can’t financially depend on this family.

“It’s quite a barrier.” I try to sound firm.

“Why, of course it is, but I ask if that’s the only one. I think my son loves you, and you’re the mother of his son. There are layers upon layers of history between the two of you. Where is your heart, Gina? Is the financial barrier the only reason you can’t stay here?”

I came here to be honest. I blink away my tears. “Yes.”

Her smile is warm and conspiratorial and I don’t know what to think about it, but somehow I know that after nearly two decades, I might have found a true ally in the Cassinetti family.



After a sleepless night, I wake up to a sunny day and want to get a head start on packing the house. But as I drink my coffee Sebastien calls and my plans screech to a halt.

“Mom, I was thinking, why don’t we stay here for the summer? Massi said I can work with him at the restaurant. My first summer job. Isn’t that cool?” If I wasn’t sitting I would have sunk into the chair.

I hear Massi’s voice in the background and then hushed words, and Massi’s voice comes in.

“Sorry, Blue, I wanted to discuss the idea with you first. Make sure you’re okay with it.”

He called me Blue. My heart expands in my chest, but then I remember he’s probably just being nice to get me to agree.

“Can we talk about this tomorrow when you drop him off?” I will my voice to be level, but it comes out as if someone’s strangling me. Something is. I’m dying here alone, missing my son who I haven’t seen properly in the longest time, and yearning for his father who is beingniceto me.

And my stupid heart aside, I don’t want to tell Massi over the phone that I can’t afford two households, not even for another week, let alone two months.
