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To:[email protected]

From:[email protected]


I would love to sit across from you and eat food together. Sadly, and I really am sad about it, I won’t be able to make it today.

Miles and I are going to view that shared office space I told you about. I’ll pop in on you when we’re done. Are office kisses allowed? Because I plan to give you several.


Your Inconvenient Wife

Biting my lip, I hit send. His hand would be twitchy when he read how I’d signed it. He hated me calling myself that. But he’d married a woman who liked provoking her husband’s twitchy hand.

I looked forward to seeing what he’d do about it.

My lightness vanished as soon as I remembered my impending meeting with Miller.

Freaking Miller. Ruining everything.

I walked out of lunch with Miller none the wiser.

He was squirrelly, evasive, and oddly sweaty. He asked me a lot about Clara's state of being. She hadn’t come into the office today, so he was worried. From the dark circles around his eyes, it looked like he’d been worried for a while.

But when I outright asked him if he was cheating, he flatly denied it…and I believed him.

Something was off. Very, very off. He wouldn’t tell me what it was, and I couldn’t even begin to guess. But I truly didn’t think there was another woman. He loved his wife, even if he was screwing up big time.

I texted Clara on my walk from the café to the Rossi building.

Me:I just left lunch with Miller. He says he isn’t cheating, and maybe I’m stupid, but I believe him.

Clara:Did you ask him about Theresa Graves? The flowers? The book?

Me:I did. He acted like he had no idea what I was talking about. And when I showed him the credit card statement you gave me, he said there must be some mistake.

Clara:Oh, no. Why can’t he just be honest?

Me:I don’t think he’s going to be honest with you. You’re going to have to decide what you want to do without having all the answers. I’m sorry.

Clara:No, don’t be sorry. You went above and beyond your sisterly duty for me. I will never be able to repay you. Thank you for everything.

Me:You don’t have to thank me. When will you tell Luca?

Clara:I’ll tell him soon. I need to get my thoughts straight first.

Me:Please do it as soon as possible. I’m no good at secrets.

Clara:I will. I promise. I’ll talk to him this week.

I slid my phone back into my purse and looked up at the Rossi building in front of me. My stomach somersaulted, knowing Luca was in there, waiting for me.

I hated not being able to talk to him about this, but I trusted Clara would tell him soon. As long as Luca didn’t ask me a direct question about what was going on, I wouldn’t have to lie. Since I was terrible at lying and hated doing it, I kept my fingers crossed as I walked inside to find my husband.

Chapter Thirty-six

