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I gave my head a little shake. “I don’t even know what that is.”

His brow arched. “Being good?”

My laugh was huffy. “Yes. That’s exactly what I meant.”

Moments later, an army of salespeople presented us with millions of dollars’ worth of jewels. I allowed Luca to take the lead since this was a lot more his thing than mine. Not that I didn’t appreciate it. My heart was beating a mile a minute just looking at all the beauty. My mind just hadn’t connected the shiny jewelry to me yet.

Luca had no such qualms. He plucked up a platinum lariat with a round ruby dangling from the end and draped it around my neck. The ruby dipped between my breasts. Luca fixed that by sliding his finger from my throat down my chest, venturing past the V-neck of my shirt. He hooked his finger around the gem, pulling it out to lay over top of my shirt.

“You’re getting this one.” Swiveling away from me, he pointed to several more pieces. So many my throat went dry. The lariat was the only thing he had me try on. The rest, he chose quickly and with confidence.

He tilted his face toward me again. “Do you see anything else you would like?”

In a daze, I shook my head. How had I gone from a simple, single life to married to a billionaire who seemed to have every intention of showering me with jewels?

It seemed like a very strange, unbelievable dream.

Luca took charge, picking out several necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. He draped each of them on me, studying the way they looked on my chest or around my wrist.

“Blue suits you.” He grazed my lobe with his fingertip. “Do you like earrings that dangle?”

“Sometimes, but I think you’ve picked out enough. I’m covered for at least several occasions.”

He dropped his hand to his lap. “Most women would kill to have a shopping spree here.”

“Don’t make me say I’m not like other girls, or I’ll never forgive you.”

That earned me a soft chuckle. “All right. I don’t want that. We should probably leave while you’re still speaking to me.”

“I think you’re right. It’s a razor’s edge right now.”

Like a perfect gentleman, Luca stood and helped me up, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

“It’s time to go anyway.” Luca checked the time on his phone. “The movers will be at your place in an hour.”

“Oh, right. That’s happening.”

The corner of his mouth hitched. “Can’t sell a marriage if we’re living apart.”

“Let me be bummed, Luca. It’s a big change. I’m going from living with my best friend to living with a boy.”

That earned me a legitimate laugh. “I’m hardly a boy, Saoirse.” He pressed a hand to the small of my back. “Once we get all the hard parts over with, we can get back to some semblance of normalcy.”

“Normalcy dripping in jewels.”

He leaned in, his mouth brushing my hair. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

“It’s a thing.”

He chuckled again. “Let’s go, wife.”

When it was all said and done, I couldn’t bring myself to completely move out of my apartment. I left some clothes, bedding, and toiletries so I’d have a place to retreat to if I needed to be alone or a crash pad in case this all blew up in my face.

Besides, we had another six months on our lease. There was no rush to remove every trace of myself from my old life.

Luca wandered into my new bedroom, which was beside his. My things were scattered everywhere as I attempted to reorganize my new life.

“Do you need any help?”
