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She nodded. “I really love sleep.”

That made me laugh. “I’ve noticed that about you.”

“Shut up, Luca.” She tossed me a lazy grin. “As I was saying, I may be cynical, but you’re a territorial prat.”

My brows rose. “Prat? Are you British now?”

“It fits the situation.”

“So you say.” I tried to yank my hand from her, but she clapped her other hand over it, keeping it on her knee. “Maybe I am territorial. Temporary or not, you are my wife, and I don’t appreciate seeing you out alone with another man, especially after you turned down my offer to have lunch together. Now that our relationship is public, I trust it won’t happen again.”

With a groan, she tossed my hand back at me. “I was alone with him for maybe five minutes while Niddhi and Amelia—who are women, by the way—were in the restroom. If you would have spoken to me or thought before acting, you would have known this.”

Her explanation made sense, but I still didn’t like the way that guy had been looking at her, getting close to her. I’d set that right. He’d know better in the future.

Now wasn’t the time to tell Saoirse any of this though.

“I hear you, and I understand my knee-jerk reaction was misinformed. I don’t regret it now that it’s over and done with.”

“You can’t make decisions that involve me without a discussion, Luca. That isn’t fair.”

“I get that. Believe me, Clara came back to my office after you left and tore me a new asshole. I had to take a call with our legal department while she stood over me. I’ve been properly chastised.”

“Not by me.” She folded her arms over her chest. “We’ll have to go to Wyoming this weekend, you know. There’s no way we can delay that now.”

“I told you I’d go. I meant it.”

“Okay. Then I should probably give you a crash course on the Kelly family so it seems like we actually know each other.” Her jaw cracked when she yawned again.

“I know a lot about you.”

“Oh yeah? What do you know about me that you didn’t learn from my background check?”

“What you taste like.”

Her mouth fell open with a huff and she kicked her foot out from under her blanket, connecting with the side of my leg.

“I know a lot about you too, Luca.”

She tried to draw her foot back, but I caught her by the ankle, giving her a sharp tug, which landed her flat on her back. I tugged her again, bringing her legs over my lap, her ass bumping against my thigh.

Leaning over her, I braced a hand beside her head. “What do you think you know?”

“I know you’re a brute.” She shoved at my chest without any real force.

“First a prat, now a brute. Those words sting, Saorise.” I lowered my face close to hers. “What else?”

Her eyes danced with mischief. The little firecracker was all lit up again. “You’re a mama’s boy.”

My mouth hitched. “Guilty as charged. What good Italian boy isn’t?”

“It’s cute. I like it.” Then she lifted her chin. “I know you talk a big game, but there’s nothing to back it up.”

Rearing back, I stared down at her. “What’s that mean?”

“It means you told me we were going to end up fucking, but this is the closest you’ve been to me unless we’re playing a part.”
