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Rossi bikes were works of art, so I appreciated the way Saoirse stroked the leather stitching and admired the shape of the handlebars.

“It’s gorgeous.” The light in her eyes brightened. “But what if I want one of my own?”

“Then we’ll get you one. Clara rides when she isn’t pregnant. You’ll have to talk to her about what bike to choose.” Folding her hand in mine, I yanked her close. “First step is taking a ride with me. You might hate every second of it.”

“I’ve been on a motorcycle before, Luca.”

My mouth flattened, displeased, though I had no idea why I’d assumed she hadn’t ridden a motorcycle before. She’d lived ten lives before we’d met. Of course she’d ridden.

And it fucked me to hell thinking of her on the back of someone else’s bike. No way they’d been as careful as they should’ve been. She was lucky she’d come out of it unscathed.

“Never with me. I’m assuming not on this route?”

She shook her head. “Not in this country.”

“Good. Then I get your first.”

“That you do. First husband, first motorcycle ride in the US.” She shoved her helmet on and perched on the seat. The visor was down, so I couldn’t see her, but I imagined she was fluttering her lashes at me.

“You really are a little brat, aren’t you?”

She nodded her helmeted head. “Lucky you.”

Despite the warring pit in my stomach, I found myself laughing. “Get on the bike,bella.Time to get on the road.”

The ride to Sugar Brush, Wyoming, was exactly the kind I liked, outside the city where I could really open up and let loose. Of course, with Saoirse behind me, I didn’t let loose as much as I normally would have, but from the laughter ringing in my ear, she enjoyed every bit of it.

I’d thought we’d have to stop a time or two to give her a break, but she never signaled for it, so we stayed on the road straight through.

As we drew closer to her family’s ranch, the terrain became rolling hills and wide-open spaces. Soon, I spotted cattle roaming every-fucking-where, behind low wire fences. Every once in a while, I saw someone riding through the fields on a horse, moving the cattle where he wanted them to be.

Slowing to a crawl, I passed through the entry of Sugar Brush River Ranch and veered off in the direction Saoirse pointed down the road to her family’s home.

Since we’d left early, it was just past noon when I rolled the bike to a stop in front of a two-story, sprawling log home. There were rocking chairs and toys on the porch stretching the entire span of the house. Flowers in the beds and a miniature ATV parked on the lawn.

I climbed off first, helping Saoirse off next, holding her hips while she regained her balance. She let herself lean against me, her hands on my chest. I tugged off my helmet, then hers, revealing her grinning face.

“I’m learning to ride,” she announced.

“You didn’t like riding with me?”

She bounced on her toes. “I loved it. But I want to be able to go whenever I want. Can I?Please.”

Pushing her hair back from her face, I shook my head. Not in denial, but because she had her bottom lip pushed out in a pout and it was fucking adorable.

“I told you I’d buy you one, Saoirse. No need to bring out the big guns.” I curled my arm around her waist. “Now, are you done delaying? Or are you ready to face the firing squad?”

Before she could answer, the front door swung open, and a massive man filled the doorway.

Looked like it was now or never.

Firing squad it is.

Chapter Nineteen


Atfirstglance,anyonewould assume Saoirse and her brother’s wife, Elena, were the ones who were related. Both were on the tall side, though Saoirse beat Elena by several inches, blonde and beautiful.
