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“Explain my choices, and I’ll answer.”

“A lighthouse is a beacon to follow home, to keep ships safe from crashing, a focal point. On the other hand, an anchor locks a ship in one place and weighs it down.”

“Interesting. I always considered anchors a good thing.”

She tapped her chin, a brow raised. “Not to someone like Saoirse. Lily was her anchor until Saoirse cut herself free. She doesn’t need another one. A lighthouse, on the other hand…”

“I have no intention of changing her. I wouldn’t have married her if I didn’t appreciate exactly who she is.”

That was as true as my promise. I couldn’t think of a single other woman I would have entered into this marriage with besides Saoirse. We didn’t know each other as well as we should have, but I knew in my bones Saoirse was exactly as honest and forthcoming as she presented herself to be. She didn’t abide by artifice. There weren’t many people like her. The idea of squashing parts of her to fit her into a box made me uncomfortable, to say the least. It wasn’t something I would ever be interested in doing.

“Good. Keep being the lighthouse, Luca.” Unfolding her arms, she braced them behind her on the counter. “I told you about everyone else. Now I need to tell you about me. In my past life, I was an angry, mean girl who would cut a bitch for looking at me wrong…and I mean that literally. On occasion, that side of me slips out. I’m telling you right now, if you aren’t who you need to be to give Saoirse the kind of life she deserves, you don’t have to worry about my father-in-law or husband coming for you. It’ll be me on your doorstep with my pink bat—which I am not afraid to use.”

I blinked.What the fuck? Who was this woman?

“Pink bat?”

She tossed her silvery blonde braid behind her shoulder. “Oh yeah. She’s cute, but she packs a powerful swing.” She shrugged, her mouth curving into a pleased little grin. “I’m glad we had this talk. Now, for the important question: grape or strawberry jelly?”

I was seated between Hannah and Lock. Saoirse was across from me, between Elena and Caleb, who was alternating between staring daggers at me and resting his head on Saoirse’s arm.

“I’ve been brushin’ Athena for you every day,” he told her.

“Thank you, honey.” She smoothed a hand over the top of his head. “I know she loves all the extra attention from you.”

“I brush her too,” Hannah announced.

Caleb gave his sister a soft smile. “Yeah, Hannie helps me too. Only sometimes, though. And she puts bows in her hair.”

Hannah patted my arm until I looked down at her. She had grape jelly smeared all over her round face. “Thena likes bows.”

“I bet she does. Do you wear bows too?” Hannah’s hair was long and almost the same shade as her eyes, but it was unadorned, tangled around her shoulders.

Elena clucked her tongue. “The answer is no. She’s never kept a bow in her hair. Not even once. It’s a travesty. My daughter prefers mud in her hair.”

“Next time your parents come to visit, I need pictures of you when you were little.” Lock eyed his wife with a warmth that telegraphed his love and devotion for her without saying a word. “Can’t wrap my mind around you wearing bows, Ellie.”

She held the same warmth for him. “Well, I did, and I was incredibly adorable.”

“I have no doubt,” he rumbled.

Hannah patted my arm again. “I really like mud.”

Lock leaned around me to catch his daughter’s eye. “Mud is for the ground. And sometimes your hands.”

Hannah shook her head. “Not for my head.”

“That’s right, baby girl.” His tone was a mix of patience and pride. “We get messy enough out in the fields. Let’s try not to drive Mama too crazy. Deal?”

Hannah nodded sharply. “Deal.” She grinned up at me. “I’m not gonna put mud in my hair.”

“I think that’s a good idea, Hannah.” I pointed to her full plate of food. “Do you like PB&Js? I used to eat them all the time when I was a kid as small as you.”

Caleb snorted. “You’re still as small as Hannah.”

“Cay,” Lock admonished. “You gotta take it easy, bud. Maybe try to get to know Luca before you insult him.”

Caleb narrowed his eyes on me. “Do you even have a house?”
