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“Me too.” He knocked his arm into mine. “Do you think you’ll ever live here?”

“Absolutely not. I love it here, but I could never live so far outside a city. Plus, my family—”

“They’re great.”

“Yes, they are. I’m lucky. But they’d also suffocate me with their greatness. I’m better at being me when I have space.”

“I can’t imagine you ever having trouble being yourself.”

“You know what it’s like to be part of a family that’s also a business. Individualism is valued, but it’s hard to grasp when your name means alotof people’s livelihoods.”

“True. I hadn’t considered you feeling that same pressure.

“We’re no Rossi Motors, but this ranch is a pretty big deal around here.”

“I get that now that I’m here.”

We were quiet a minute, the sounds of the ranch our only soundtrack. But I’d been wondering something since this morning and hadn’t had a chance to ask between the motorcycle ride and hanging with my family. This was the first opportunity, so I seized it.

I rounded to face him. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course. Anything.”

“Where did the condoms in my drawer go?”

I’d thought about packing some for this trip…just in case. But when I’d checked my toy drawer, the box I’ddefinitelystashed there was gone, the spot where they’d been empty.

Luca shrugged, shoving his fingers through the side of his hair. “Why would I know anything about that?”

“Because you’re the only one who has access to my bedroom.” I poked his arm. “Did you take them, Luca? Did you find yourself needing one and decide to steal them from my drawer? I just can’t imagine why else you’d—”

He caught my hand, using it to tug me against his chest. “Why would I need a condom, Saoirse? I’m not fucking you, which you’re well aware of.”

I let out a huff of breath. “I know you’re not, so I can’t think of any other reason you’d take my condoms other than to use with your hookups.”

“Hookups? What exactly are you accusing me of?”

“I’m not accusing you of anything. I’m asking you why you took my condoms.”

“To use with the purported hookups I’m having.” He wrenched his eyes away from me, focusing somewhere far off in the distance. “I told you I wouldn’t do that. I don’t go back on my promises.”

“Okay.” I swallowed hard, taken aback at his adamance. “Then tell me what you did with them.”

His jaw rippled as he clenched and unclenched, but he refused to look at me. “Tossed them.”

My brow dropped. “But…why?”

“Doesn’t matter. You want more, I’ll buy them for you.”

“They’d be for you too, so, sure, I’m up for that. But in the fu—”

His head whipped around, and his hand flew up to cup my throat. “You still want that?”

“Didn’t I make myself clear last night?”

His face closed in on mine, our noses almost brushing. “When you told me you didn’t need me?”

“When I sat in your lap naked andteasedyou.”
