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She gave my shoulder a slug, and I was relieved I’d played it off. Wednesday, I’d had a working lunch with the auditing company going over some of our accounts. Saoirse had never mentioned what she’d been doing. Of course, I’d never asked.

What kind of husband was I, fake or not, when I put no effort into this marriage? My wife was mingling, getting to know my family, dressing up for me, and all I could do was change my shirt in the back of the limo? If we shared a bed, I wouldn’t have been surprised to be kicked out of it.

Clara took a sip of her sparkling water and sighed. Something in the sound put me on alert.

“Are you feeling okay?”

Nodding, she smoothed her hand over her stomach. “Tired. Miller and I are somewhat at odds, so—”

Taking her by the shoulder, I drew her away from the few people nearby so we could have privacy. “Why are you at odds?”

She sucked in a deep breath, her gaze traveling across the room where Miller was speaking to Frank and a few other men.

“He’s so distracted lately. I’ve been trying to get his opinion on things for the baby. Cribs, nursery decor, that sort of thing. Bigger things too, like childcare and his paternity leave, but he’s been blanking on me. I’m at my wits’ end, and he won’t give me any feedback. At this point, I’ll be making every decision on my own.”

I frowned. Miller was a dipshit, but as far as I’d known, he’d always been decent to Clara. “Would you like me to speak to him? If he’s too busy to concentrate on his family, we need to reprioritize his responsibilities at work.”

“Oh god, no.” She grabbed my arm. “Please, please don’t say anything. If he thought I came to you as his boss and not my brother, he would be humiliated.”

“Well, I’m both. I can’t really unravel the two roles.”

“Just be my brother tonight, Luca. Give me a pat on the head and remind me I still have months to prepare.” As my hand traveled toward her head, she swatted it away. “I meant metaphorically. Donotactually pat me on the head.”

Chuckling, I squeezed her shoulder. “All right. Then I’ll remind you you’re the most competent human being I know. You could have a baby in a cave and pull it off without missing a beat.”

“And I’m dewy and glowing, right?”

“Yes, Clara. You’re very dewy and extremely glowing.”

She rolled her eyes. “Good talk, Luca. Crisis averted.” Exhaling, she steeled her spine. “All right. I’m going to do my duty and mingle.”

“Damn. We can’t stay back here and make fun of people like we used to at Mom and Dad’s parties?”

That made her laugh, giving me a small dose of relief. If Clara could laugh at my stupid jokes, it couldn’t be all that bad. Still, I’d be keeping an eye on Miller. If he didn’t step up, wewouldbe having that chat.

Saoirse found me while I was in a group of Frank’s friends who were CEOs and business owners. They were discussing the volatility of a New York bank when she slipped her arm around mine and leaned into my side.

I turned to her, pleased for the hundredth time to have this woman on the same level as me. Her face and eyes were breathtaking to look at, and drinking her in straight on was a heady, addictive experience.

“Did you find a drink?” I murmured in her ear.

“I did.” She gave my arm a shake. “Are you having a good time?”

“Mmhmm. You?”


Attention fell on Saoirse as conversation died off, and I introduced her around. Her easy, affable confidence made me proud to call her mine. Her goal was to make me look good, and the truth was, she elevated me. I lookedbetterwith her beside me.

She chatted away with the other men, telling them about her family’s ranch, which kept them following her every word. I was enchanted and already knew everything she was saying from firsthand experience.

Clara and Miller joined us after a while, and Saoirse and my sister fell into another conversation. Someone who’d worked at Rossi years ago was waving to me from the other side of the room. Saoirse told me to go, and Clara promised to guard her with her life. Miller just stood there like a useless bookend. But that was Miller. No surprise.

Saoirse, Clara, and Shira were having a grand time, so I ventured to the bar after my former coworker was pulled away. While I waited for my drink, someone snuck up behind me and laid a hand on my shoulder. Seconds before she spoke, I breathed in a whiff of jasmine, and my stomach clenched with dread.

“Luca, funny seeing you here.”

I turned, putting on a polite smile for Frank’s daughter. “Francesca. I thought you were living in Paris.”
