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Luca grunted, low and feral, his grip digging into my hips as he rode the wild wave with me until he finally allowed himself to fall. Hot spurts filled my back channel, and my own arousal flooded past his fingers, rolling down my thighs.

As soon as he finished, he slid out of me and carried me to the bathroom, somehow steady on his feet when I wasn’t certain I even had feet any longer. He even took the time to tell me it was too bad he couldn’t add the carpet to the evidence bag since I’d surely dripped all over it.

Funny man.

We showered together, and Luca washed me like he always did. Careful, gentle, thorough, especially between my legs. Then he dried me just as carefully and bundled me under the covers in bed, crawling in beside me.

I blinked at him. “What are you doing?” We didn’t get in bed after. We got dressed and left.

Luca was on his back, as relaxed as could be, his hands behind his head. “I was thinking I might lie here for a while then order room service.”


His brow crinkled. “Why not? I paid for the whole night. They’re not going to kick us out when the hour’s up. It’s not that kind of place.”

“You’re so rude.” I kicked him, but he captured my foot beneath his calf.

“And you’re usually nicer after I make you come.” He reached down to cup my pussy, sliding one finger along my slit. Despite being a little sore and a lot sated, goose bumps sprouted along my limbs, and heat pulsed in my core. “Hmm…is my pretty girl not satisfied?”

“I won’t be able to walk if you satisfy me more than you already have.” I wrapped my fingers around his wrist. “You’ve trained me to respond to you. I can’t help it.”

His mouth hitched. “I like that. Because I have to tell you, one whiff of your scent and I’m hard. It pisses me off sometimes, but knowing you’re just as needy for me makes it an easier pill to swallow.”

“And willing, Luca. I’m needy and willing.” I pressed his hand against my heated core. “You’re the one who put boundaries up. Things would be a lot easier without them.”

His dark gaze swept my face, and he shook his head. “No. As tempting as it would be to bend you over the kitchen table whenever the mood strikes, those boundaries are necessary for me.”


Rolling away from him so he couldn’t read the disappointment etched on my face, I grabbed the room service menu from the nightstand. I couldn’t even say why I was so disappointed. Sex with Luca was great, and I wanted more of it, but that shouldn’t have caused this pang in my belly.

He followed me, his chest flush with my back, chin on my shoulder. “Hungry?” Knuckles dragged from my navel to my core and back up.

“Mmm. Starved, actually.”

He kissed me below the ear. “Are we good, pretty girl?”

Twisting my neck to see him, I smiled. “We’re perfect.”

But now that the pang was there, I was all too aware of it.

I poked the menu. “I’m going to get a milkshake.”

“Perfect,” he whispered.

Just freaking perfect.

Chapter Twenty-nine


Elliot’sassistantofferedmea small, tight smile as I approached from the elevator.

“Hello, Catherine.”

She tucked a lock of her neat auburn hair behind her ear. “Good afternoon, Mr. Rossi.”

Catherine had been working for Elliot for a few months. Her smiles were always small and tight, but her posture was perfect—a contrast to the typical beaten-down spines of his previous assistants.
