Page 126 of Three's A Crown

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An hour later, we are finishing up with more pictures.

My head aches, my cheeks can’t go any higher, and my body is coiled up like a spring filled with tension.

“You did amazing.” Augustine grabs my face and kisses me. “I’m so fricken’ proud of you, Rosalie.” He kisses me again.

“Congratulations on a fantastic press conference,” the king says, greeting us. “You both did wonderfully answering the questions. Even the tricky ones.” The king gives me a knowing smile.I think that was a royal blessing right there.

“Well done. I remember ours,” the queen says, looking over at the king, “neither one of us could stop shaking,” she says with a chuckle.

“So, my love,” the king says. Looking at his queen fondly, he holds out his arm for her and they bid us both farewell and head back to their wing.

Augustine holds out his hand for me and I take it. “Thank fuck that is over with. At least tomorrow at our engagement party we can drink.”

“It’s going to take me awhile to get rid of this nervous energy when we get back to our wing.”

“Is that so?” The prince grins as he holds up my hand to his lips and kisses it.

“Yes, so we should call Greyson. I hate that we haven’t spoken to him in a week.”

“Me too, but he’s stubborn so don’t be surprised if he doesn’t answer. He hasn’t answered any of my texts this week,” he tells me as we turn down the corridor toward his wing. The prince pulls out his phone and dials Greyson, we both walk in silence waiting to hear his voice. Nothing but static fills the silence.

I’m disappointed but I understand, he thinks he’s doing what’s best for us by maintaining his distance. “Do you think he saw the interview?”

“I’m sure he did,” the prince assures me.

I hope that Greyson was able to read between the lines when we spoke that we hadn’t forgotten about him nor would we ever.

We round another corner and Skylar rushes out of her room. “Rosie, you did so well. I’m so proud of you,” she says, hugging me tightly.

“Thanks, I was so nervous, could you tell?”

Skylar shakes her head. “No you looked so regal up there. Enough about that, I have a surprise for you,” she says excitedly, grabbing my hand to haul me into her room. I turn around to look at the prince, I was kind of hoping he would fuck my anxiety out of me, but he gives me a head nod as if to say ‘go’. And so, I do. Skylar pulls me into her bedroom and next thing I know Magnolia is popping out of the closet yelling ‘surprise’.

Wait. What? I don’t understand. I rush toward her and wrap my arms around her. “You’re here!”

She hugs me back tightly. “I am. I couldn’t miss today.”

Tears well in my eyes at her words. “I’ve missed you, so much.”

“I’ve missed you too,” she says, trying to hold back her tears as she hugs me again.

“Did you see my interview?” I ask her.

“I did. I’ve never been prouder, Rose. You looked every inch the future princess of Friendsburg up there. You’ve changed so much in these past couple of weeks.”

“I have?”

She nods. “You’ve matured into a woman that I aspire to be. You stood your ground, never cowered when the hard questions were asked. You were articulate, you said the right things at the right time. You showed the people of Friendsburg why the prince chose you as his bride.”

I try to hold back my tears. She has no idea what her kind words mean to me.

“The way the prince looked at you, he’s already in love.” She smiles.

“He’s totally gone for her,” Skylar adds.

“It’s a little too soon for the love word,” I say, shaking my head.

“Whatever feeling it is, he has it for you in spades. Now that I see you together, I understand.”
