Page 128 of Three's A Crown

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Skylar, on the other hand, has decided to go sexy with her choice—a black, lace long-sleeve evening dress with a deep V exposing her ample cleavage. It has a high middle split at the front of the dress and the nude underlay makes her look like she’s wearing nothing underneath. She said tonight is the night that she is going to lose her virginity.

Magnolia looks gorgeous, dressed in a forest-green evening dress with long sleeves—simple, classic, and very much her. Her black hair cascades down her back in waves and she is wearing bright red lipstick. She looks like a goddess.

“I’m speechless.” Augustine greets us as we arrive at the palace ballroom, the same one that we were at the night we met a couple of weeks ago. That feels like a lifetime ago. “You three have to be the most beautiful women in the realm.” The prince grins. “And I’m the luckiest man in the world to be walking in with you all.”

Augustine gives me his arm and I accept. “You’ve taken my breath away, again, Rosalie,” he tells me as he kisses my cheek.

We stand out the front of the grand ballroom’s doors waiting to be announced. A tremble starts running rampant through my body. The footman opens the doors, and after we are announced, the entire ballroom stops and stares as the two of us walk into the middle of our engagement party.

Augustine nods and greets many unfamiliar faces as we walk along the aisle toward where the king and queen are seated. We must be blessed in public by the king before our union is sealed in front of the court.

I look out into the crowd, and I’m met with some frosty faces. Most of the women don’t seem too keen on me. I’m guessing they were at the ball and are not entirely happy that the prince didn’t pick them. It’s not my fault they didn’t understand the prince’s needs and wants as well as I did. I smile, trying to forget the sour expressions and take in the extravagant atmosphere.

We reach the end of the aisle and both Augustine and I bow down in front of his parents. The king stands and recites a special blessing, and when he’s finished, we both stand for the presentation to the court.

“I present to you, Prince Augustine of Friendsburg, and the future Princess, Princess Rosalie,” the king announces. “May their blessed union be fruitful.” He raises a gold challis into the air and the entire court applauds us.

We then make our way back down the aisle, receiving blessings from the court as we pass.

I’m exhausted by the time we make it to where my sisters are standing and chatting away. They both give me a hug when I greet them.

“It’s official now, you’re stuck with me,” Auggie states as he places a kiss on my cheek.

“Oh no,” Magnolia groans as movement behind me catches her attention and I see Dante and Enzo, dressed in black tuxedos, exuding menacing darkness as they stop beside her.

“Congratulations on your engagement, Rosalie. You look every inch the future Queen of Friendsburg out there today,” Dante states, raising a glass in my direction.

“Don’t recall your names being on the guest list,” I quip, taking a sip of my champagne.

“Is that anyway to speak to your future brother-in-law?” He smirks.

Magnolia throws back her champagne and turns to Dante. “Look at that, I’m all out. Would you be a dear and fetch me another?” she asks him.

“Anything for my beautiful fiancée,” he states, nodding his head in Enzo’s direction as they saunter off toward the bar.

“I’ll go do the rounds for us,” Auggie says, placing a kiss on my cheek before disappearing into the crowd.

“Are you okay?” I ask Magnolia.

She lets out a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry, I’ve got a lot on my mind.”

Don’t blame her after finding out about the loophole. “Does Dante know?”

“No,” she says, shaking her head. “And I don’t want him to, not yet anyway. I have so much to think about.”

“Is it worth it, Mags?” Skylar asks.

“You don’t think getting our kingdom back is worth it?”

Skylar frowns. “Of course I do, but at what cost?”

“Rosalie has paid a cost,” Magnolia states.

“She’s lucky hers has turned out well,” Skylar bites back.

“I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” Valerius asks as he sips his tumbler of amber liquid.

Everything in me stills. How the hell is he here? He can’t hurt me now. I am safe. I’m almost married. We have the protection of Friendsburg, he can’t do anything more to us.
