Page 129 of Three's A Crown

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“Valerius, so good of you to come,” I say, turning around and giving him my best princess smile.

“Had to wish my congratulations to my Goddaughter on her engagement,” he states, taking a sip from his glass. “You and the prince seem happy with the arrangement. It’s mutually beneficial to you both it would seem.”

I still.

Does he know about the three of us? No.

“You can tell your fiancé thank you, I’ve been receiving your payments. Your father would be very proud of you, Rosalie.”

My stomach churns at the mention of my father.

“I was surprised that you rejected my offers of help in the rebuilding of the tower. You are like my own children, I wanted to help. It was horrible what happened, one of the staff leaving a candle lit too close to a curtain and a gust of wind catching it and setting the whole thing on fire.”

My mouth falls open at his words, how does he know what happened with the fire? No one has told us that. It was an accident.

“Oh sorry, did you girls not know? I thought the prince would have passed on that information. Maybe he didn’t want to worry you at such a joyous time.” He shrugs as he takes another sip from his glass. “Magnolia, it’s nice to see you and Dante getting along again. It makes me so happy. I always had such hopes for the two of you. I’ve taken up enough time, I’m sure there are many people that would like to congratulate you. Good evening, girls. I’ll be seeing you all again soon,” he says before disappearing into the crowd.

“That was creepy as fuck,” Skylar states.

“He makes my skin crawl,” I add, shaking myself from his presence.

“You don’t think he knows about the loophole, do you? He was acting like he knew something,” Magnolia asks.

“I think that’s just Valerius’s personality. He’s always plotting and scheming, whether he has anything, that remains to be seen,” I tell her.

“Screw him, this is Rosalie’s engagement party. We deserve to enjoy ourselves. I’m so over the men in our lives trying to stop that,” Skylar says.

And she’s right. This is my engagement party.

After cocktail hour was a fabulous three-course dinner, then dancing, and now we are at the after party, which is basically the same thing as the party but less old people and we are able to relax and have a good time. I’ve had one too many champagnes, and it’s finally time to brave the bathrooms with my ballgown—this is going to be a logistical nightmare—but I should be able to manage.

I’m able to fit into the stall and relieve myself, but the bathroom soon fills with a group of cackling women.

“Can you believe what she wore to her engagement party? Fuchsia? How déclassé is that?” a woman comments snidely.

“What does he see in her?” another adds.

“I heard there was something going on between her and his bodyguard. That he had to be sent away because the prince was getting jealous,” another one states.

Wow, okay, that hits too close to home.

“I mean, if he’s going to marry a whore, he should expect that she’s going to sleep with every available man there is in the palace.” The snide woman cackles again.

“The prince’s guard is hot, though,” someone adds.

“I also heard that the prince swings both ways.”

Oh shit.My heart accelerates at that comment.

“The prince likes women. Believe me,” the snide woman states proudly.

Oh, hell no, Auggie better not have slept with that witch.

“So jealous of you,” another woman adds, which makes the witch laugh.

I’ve heard enough.

Pushing open the door, I gather up my dress and exit. I walk over to the basins and look in the mirror at their horrified faces. They know they’ve messed up. They are as still as statues, waiting for me to either say something or leave.
