Page 134 of Three's A Crown

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“Fuck, I’ve missed you two.” Greyson is the first one to speak as he lies there with one hand over his face and his other hand wrapped around his softening dick.

“We’ve missed you, too,” Rosalie says as she rolls over and runs her hand down his chest.

“Let’s stay like this forever,” Greyson adds.

Then Rosalie’s stomach grumbles, the sound bouncing around the cave, which has us all laughing.

“Come on, let’s get cleaned up and have something to eat. Before Rosalie’s stomach eats itself.”

The three of us move into the cool water of the grotto, and it feels fantastic against my heated skin.

Rosalie wraps her arms around Greyson and kisses him, then reaches out and does the same for me.

“My men.” She grins as Greyson holds her in a floating position. “I’ve missed us being together.” She lets out a heavy sigh. “It doesn’t feel right you not being here.”

“I know. I felt a piece of me remained when I left. Nothing felt right,” he confesses.

“Never again,” I tell him. Pulling his lips to mine, his body is wrapped around Rosalie. “The three of us areitnow,” I say, looking at them both.

“So, this is it. Our little family is back together again,” Rosalie asks.

We all nod in agreement.

“I never dreamed I could ever be this happy in my entire life.” I wrap my arms around the two of them.



“You’re getting married.” Skylar comes rushing into my bedroom and jumps on my bed, waking me up. Our little time-out with Greyson was exactly what we all needed to solidify our relationship. Greyson came back to the palace last night, and he and Augustine had alone time together, and honestly, I think they needed it. As much as I hate to say it, today changes everything for him. The relationship he and Auggie once had can never be the same again. I guess it’s evolving. Just like my relationship is with Auggie and Greyson; we are all growing together.

“We tried to hold her back for as long as we could.” Magnolia chuckles from the door.

My eyes open wide when I see her and Henrietta standing in the doorway.

Oh, my goodness, she made it.I jump out of my bed and rush into Henny’s loving arms.

“Oh, my sweetheart, I’m so proud of you.” Tears are already streaming down her face. “Your mama would be so proud of you, too.”

The tears begin to fall down my cheeks.Urgh, I can’t have bloodshot eyes on my wedding day.I hug her tightly, relieved that she’s finally here with me. “Oh, your room looks amazing,” she says as she takes it all in.

“My fiancé’s room is next door,” I explain to her.

Her eyes widen and a grin falls across her face. “That must have been tempting.” She giggles, looking between us all.

“Her virginity sailed a long time ago, Henny. Same with hers.” Skylar points to Magnolia.

Henrietta’s jaw drops at my sister’s confession.

“I’m the only one still hanging onto it.” Skylar rolls her eyes.

“Well, wow. Okay, I guess I don’t need to have the birds and the bees chat with you then.” Henny’s cheeks turn bright pink.

I think she might have a heart attack if I tell her about Greyson.

There’s a knock at my door, my breath hitches when I see who is standing there, dressed in jeans and a gray T-shirt looking like sex on a stick.

