Page 137 of Three's A Crown

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Augustine cups my face and kisses me ever so tenderly. The music begins, and that’s it, we’re married. We are one.

I look over Augustine’s shoulder and give Greyson a small smile which he reciprocates. Then the prince and I walk back down the aisle hand in hand, getting many congratulations from well-wishers until we exit, and the crowd grows loud when we emerge.

It’s almost deafening.

Augustine holds up our hands showing our union which drives everyone crazy, and then he turns and pulls me close into a kiss—that’s when everyone truly loses their mind. He grins knowing exactly what that kiss would do to the crowd.

An open-top carriage is patiently waiting to take us back to the palace where the reception will be held. Augustine helps me into the carriage, and we take our seats. “I fucking love you, Rosalie,” he whispers into my ear.

“I love you too, husband,” I say, grinning back at him. He sneaks another kiss as the carriage starts off.

We wave.

We smile.

We give the people what they want, and I hope that I’m worthy enough to receive their continued love and respect for the rest of my life.

“There are so many people,” Augustine muses. “Who knew we were so loved.”

“It’s because you married me. I pulled up your rep.” I giggle.

We continue to smile. Both of us are filled to the brim with love and adoration.



I’ve been waiting in the honeymoon suite for an hour, pacing the room wondering if they are truly coming, or if they have decided that they are better off as a duo. The buzz of the electronic door unlocking has me rushing toward them. Augustine and Rosalie are already in the midst of attacking each other, and for a moment my heart sinks because they look so into each other that I feel like I’m a voyeur standing here.

“Greyson.” Augustine looks up finally and notices me standing there. “You made it.” He looks relieved as he rushes over and kisses me and the instant his lips are on mine all my fears and reservations fall away.

“Of course, I came,” I tell him.

Augustine raises a brow in my direction. “Hoping not yet you haven’t?” He chuckles.

“We missed you today.” Rosalie rushes over and pulls me into a tight hug, burying her face into my chest. “All I could think about all day was you, and how I wasn’t able to touch you. Kiss you. Celebrate with you.” She nuzzles into me.

“Me too. You looked so beautiful today, and all I wanted to do was kiss you, and lay claim on you, in front of the entire fucking world,” I tell her as I push the escaping locks of hair from her face.

“It made my heart hurt, Grey.” She looks up at me. “I felt guilty.”

“Hey, now.” Cupping her face, I say, “No. Please don’t feel like that. I understand in public situations you can’t look at me, speak to me, or touch me. As much as my fingers itch to touch you, I understand because in the eyes of the world you are Auggie’s.”

“But in the eyes of the future king, she can be yours,” Augustine suggests.

“I know you like watching me fuck her.” I grin at him.

“Why, yes I do, but that isnotwhat I mean.” He arches a brow at me. “I mean that I am the law in this land, and I am able to marry you and Rosalie. I can marry you and I too.”

Wait. He can marry us?

“But you’re already married.”Is he drunk?

“Yes. But I’m the soon-to-be king and I say that we can marry. Here. Tonight. So, what do you say?”

I’m stunned.

“Yes, I will.” Rosalie jumps up and down excitedly. “What do you say, Greyson? You all in?”
