Page 28 of Three's A Crown

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This is more than I could have dreamed of from tonight.

Greyson’s pocket starts buzzing, he looks down at his phone and stiffens.

“It’s your father.”

Of course, it is, patience is not his thing. “I’ll go deal with him. Tell him to call off the search as we have found my future wife.” I turn and look over at Rosalie. “Last chance, brat, you think you can handle being stuck with me and him for the rest of your life?”

“Don’t make me regret this,” she says.

“Oh, he will make you regret it, when he is denying you orgasms because he’s in one of his moods,” Greyson adds.

My eyes narrow on him and he bursts out laughing. Now who’s being a brat? When the phone buzzes again in his hand, we both roll our eyes.

“Okay, this is it. Once I tell the king you’re my choice there’s no turning back,” I tell her one last time.

“I won’t change my mind. As you both know, my family needs this money but also, there’s one more thing,” she says.

“What is it?” I ask, curiosity getting the better of me.

“We’ve just found out our father didn’t sign the change in the succession laws, which means my sister can’t be Queen or rule. Some long-lost male relative will get that chance. We need help to find a loophole in our constitution. My sister deserves to be Queen, our country will be better off with her on the throne than anyone else.”

“I’m not sure if I can get the throne for you sister,” I tell her.

She shakes her head. “I know that, but if you know anyone that understands constitutional law that could help. Even if they can’t find anything it’s better than not trying at all.

I turn and look at Greyson and he gives me a nod of encouragement. “I know people. Can’t guarantee if there is a way, but they can give it their best shot for you.”

“That’s all I want, a shot, a chance. So I’m all in.”

Really, just like that? She doesn’t want anything else.

“That’s all?”

Rosalie nods. “What more do I need than saving my family?”

That is powerful. I’ll give her whatever she needs to make this work for her.

“I think you both should seal the agreement with a kiss,” Greyson adds.

We both look over at him.

“Only fair seeing as we both have,” he adds.

I turn and look over at Rosalie.

“Should see if you are a better kisser than your guard before I one hundred percent agree to this.” She smirks.

The cheeky little brat. I reach out and wrap my hand around her neck and bring her to me. I don’t even let her hesitate before my lips are on hers. But I’m the one in control as I set the pace. She tries to fight me on it, but I won’t let her. I don’t care if teeth are clashing or tongues are dueling or lips are being bitten, with each shove she pushes against me, I match it with one of my own until the kiss begins to start a forest fire between us and my dick wants to be buried between those luscious folds.

Our time will come when I get to sink inside of her. It won’t be here in the darkness in my garden, it will be either tied to my bed or while Greyson’s dick is shoved down her throat silencing her. That thought catches me off-guard but I’m not mad about it. Seems rather hot. I mean, Greyson did warn her that I don’t take kindly to little brats and maybe that is a great punishment for them both, him stuffing her mouth full and she isn’t allowed to make him come. I think I might have a lot of fun with them both.

Greyson’s phone buzzes for a third time. “I’m going to have to go, my father has no patience,” I tell her.

Rosalie nods in understanding.

“Let me tell him the good news, that we have found our bride. I’ll want him to announce it to the ball as soon as possible so I don’t have to deal with any more of these women,” I tell her, which makes her giggle. “I’ll meet you on stage, then?”

“I’ll be there,” she tells me.
