Page 37 of Three's A Crown

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“You have no idea, how much fun,” I say, my voice dropping a couple of octaves as I bring her hand to my lips, and a shiver falls over her body.

“Can’t wait,” she says with a grin, looking between the two of us.

Does that mean she is interested in finishing what we started in the garden? I sure as hell hope so as that started as fun. “Now what can I do to help?”

“You want to help?” she asks, sounding surprised.

“You’re a future Princess of Friendsburg and my future wife, your troubles are now my troubles,” I tell her honestly.

The sound of footsteps across the gravel echo behind her as I see her sisters walking toward us, joined by two extremely hot but intense-looking men dressed in black. Who are they?

“We could use the help,” Rosalie states before the group reaches us.

“Rosalie, care to explain?” one of her sisters questions her.

She looks over at me for help.

“I’m sorry to be imposing during your family’s tragedy, but as your sister left the palace so abruptly, I needed to know if she was okay,” I explain to the group.

“Why do you care that she left early?” the other sister with the big tits, asks.

“Because I chose her,” I tell them.

The girls gasp as they look over at their sister.

“Oh my god, Rosie,” Skylar squeals as she rushes toward Rosalie.

The two handsome men standing behind the girls give each other a look, and I’m not sure what it means.

“You chose, Rosie?” Magnolia asks in disbelief.

“Yes. She’s perfect. I never thought I would meet anyone that can keep me on my toes like your sister can,” I explain.

Magnolia looks over at Greyson, her eyes narrowing for the smallest of moments before shaking her head and bursting out laughing. “That’s our Rosie.” She smiles, pride written across her face, then steps forward and pulls her sister into a hug.

My attention is drawn to the two men standing behind them, neither one of them saying a word. Greyson is on high alert too as they give off intense vibes. We move over to them, and I hold out my hand to introduce myself.

“Hi, I’m Prince Augustine of Friendsburg and this is my guard, Greyson.”

They both glare at me before civility kicks in and they introduce themselves.

“I’m Dante Carandini and this is Enzo Moretti. I’m Magnolia’s fiancé,” the brooding man states.

My brows shoot up. I didn’t know Magnolia was engaged already and to someone from the Carandini family. I’ve heard of them, they have a cruel reputation around the land and deal in a lot of black-market areas—weapons, drugs, and especially sex trafficking. Scum of this earth kind of family. Why the hell is Magnolia messing around with this guy?

“Guess that’s going to make us family then,” I say but Dante doesn’t crack a smile. Is this why Rosalie needs our help with regards to the change of law? I need to look into Aegina politics when I get home.

“Don’t you have somewhere else to be,” Magnolia sneers at Dante.

“I’m right where I need to be, sugar.” Dante smirks as Magnolia huffs in irritation.

“Come on, let’s head on over to the glasshouse and give these guys some privacy,” Skylar says to the group, dragging Magnolia with her, and the two mobsters follow them.

“You’re having second thoughts, aren’t you?” Rosalie questions me.

“No. No way in the world. I just don’t like those two guys,” I tell her.

“Yeah, neither do we, but for the foreseeable future we are stuck with them. Thank you for choosing me because it means I have extra time to find some loophole that means Magnolia doesn’t have to marry Dante Carandini,” she explains.
