Page 104 of The Spy

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"South African. Flaming red hair. Lots of freckles."

Webster whistled low. "That one is a firecracker. And not just because of the hair, but she's spicy. Did I tell you she once threatened to light the end of a dynamite stick and shove it down my shorts?"

I grinned. "Yeah, that sounds like her."

"What does Goode want with her?"

I lied easily. "I don't know."

He studied my face. "Oh fuck. Mate, you need to get a better poker face. Are you shagging her? Jesus."

Yes. But it’s more than that.

"No, I'm not. And it's none of your fucking business."

"What? Aren't we mates? Mates talk about this shit."

I rolled my eyes. "No. We don't. All right, I think I need to go poke at the wasp's nest a little bit more."

"You have to be extra careful. I nearly got caught digging in her shit. But I’ll look into her connection with Disick. It's a good place to start. And how she tied that up nice and neat, so she wasn't held in front of the Home Office, I have no idea. If you can find that out, you're going to find out what the hell she's hiding and who she's connected to."

"Thanks, mate. I owe you one."

"The way I see it, you owe me two. Just how much trouble is your agent in?"

"Right now, a hell of a lot."



We were close. So close. After tonight, I didn't have to do this anymore. After tonight, I could go back to being plain old me. I loved being in the field, but deep undercover work was not ideal. And the better I got to know Jennings, the more I was starting to see that he was a lot like his father.

On the surface, he was genteel, more fun than the old man. But there was this simmering undercurrent, and I would only get so many reprieves. He thought I owed him something, and if I didn't deliver soon, he was going to try and take it. Which meant a perfect opportunity to use my knives, but seeing as Oversight wanted this fucking twat alive, chances were high I was going to lose my job if I killed him.

What about maiming? No one said anything about maiming.

True. The jury was still out on maiming.

Maybe it wouldn’t get that far.

Maybe today the team would finally have something we could use. We'd searched everywhere. While there had been all that information in his office about Gennifer and his father, it hadn't been enough. We needed something truly damning to make this all stick.

And when he mentioned his family's summer house, I knew that was our shot, our opportunity to make this work. What I wanted to do was be out there with my team, doing the searching.

Instead, I was in here at the bloody opera.

He'd gotten a box. Hidden, of course. All but demanded that I wore the black dress that he bought for me. The one that was fine but made me look sallow and uninventive.

There wasn't any part of me that this man knew, understood, or even tried to. When the soprano started, the room was rabid. Everybody was leaning forward to listen.

Meanwhile, I was counting the seconds. During intermission, he leaned forward. "See? Isn't this amazing?"

"Yes, it's beautiful. My mother used to play opera all the time."

His eyes went wide. "What?"

"Yeah. She loved opera. Although, I think she more liked the drama of it, the way it sounded angry a lot of the time."
