Page 105 of The Spy

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"Well, to the untrained ear, opera can sound like that."

I forced a smile on my face, cracking my molars as I did so. If he said one more condescending thing, I was going to kill him.

"Is South Africa known for its opera?"

"We do have opera. I think most major metropolitan cities do."

He chuckled. "Yes, you'll come with me again, of course."

"You mean when I'm not doing my own job?"

He laughed. "Well, if you're with me, you don't exactly need to work."

I blinked slowly at him, willing his idiocy to end. "I still have a job."

He laughed. "You won't give me an inch, will you?"

He leaned in close and kissed my neck. He read the shudder of revulsion as a shudder of need, and he whispered. "Soon, love, soon. I want to see what those full lips can do. I Imagine you can suck cock like a professional."

I fingered my clutch longingly, wanting to play with one of my knives. Instead I gave him a wan smile, excused myself, and headed straight for the loo. There weren't any available on the downstairs floors, so I chugged up the stairs across the balcony to another one. Seconds later, after I used the facilities and washed my hands, a voice in the corner made me jump. "You look stunning."

I whipped around. "Jesus fucking Christ, what are you doing here, Gabe?"

"Did you really think I'd go with the rest of the team and leave you with someone else as backup?"

"The team needs you. What if it was a trap? They need Ops Command."

"You need Ops Command. They have Saff."

He had a point there. She was more than capable of handling the mission. "I appreciate it, but I'm fine."

"You've got this. Just another hour and the opera is done. When you're home, you'll be done."

"Are you sure about that? I'm not sure I'll be able to get the stench of him off me."

His brows snapped down. "Has he touched you?"

I shook my head. "No. Mostly innuendo. Attempts at kissing. But tonight is the night I'm going to have to pay the piper, so you’d better find something, or we blow this up. Because I am not, what was it he said? Sucking the skin off his cock?"

Gabe's growl was more of a physical presence than a sound. "That motherfucker said what to you?"

"Oh yes, he thought he was being sexy, suggesting that with lips like mine, as big and full as they are, I might suck the skin straight off his cock."

Gabe's gaze dropped to my lips, and he leaned forward, kissing me slowly. "I'm so fucking sorry. Fucking hell, he's such a twat."

"Relax, if he touches me, I'll use the knives. Though I don't know if we'll be able to keep him as an asset then. And I know that Oversight very much wants him as an asset. But I'm telling you now, if you try and make me train him, you'll get the knives."

Gabe frowned. "He wouldn't make it to training. Remember the psyche eval?”

“Well, let's just say your friend," I said the word like an epithet, "suggested it.”

Gabe sighed. "I'm sorry." He pulled me close, tucking me against him. "You do look beautiful tonight."

"Oh, you think so? I would have preferred the lavender, but I knew I wasn't making tonight's choices."

"Funny, I would prefer the lavender too. But regardless of the color you're wearing, you look like a beautiful butterfly."

The lights flickered, signaling that intermission was ending, and he groaned. "I don't want to let you go."
