Page 129 of The Spy

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Fuck. Kidnapping? "Who?"

"Someone you have access to already. I want you to bring me Gabriel Webb, the love of your life. You deliver him, and you get Kira back. Simple. So who are you going to choose, your sister or your boyfriend?"




My stomach pitched, and something cold and slithery wound around my spine.

They wanted me to bring them Gabe?

Holy shit. An operative of his level? They'd torture him for information. They would never kill him. No, his would be a fate far worse than death.

You can't give up Gabe.

Just the thought of it made my stomach twist. I loved him. I couldn't give him up.

He's not yours. And he would give you up. The mission always comes first.

It didn’t matter. I couldn't do it. Saff, the whole team, they were my family too.

It wasn't even something I was going to consider. The problem was I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. My instinct said to solve this on my own.

But you tried that. And failed. Maybe this time, ask for help.

There was no choice. I wanted Kira back. I needed to save her. But I wasn’t betraying my family, and Rogues was my family. Even if he didn’t love me, I couldn’t hand him over.

I charged up the path to the back door of the manor house because Saff had said if I needed her she’d be there. And for once, I didn't know where else to turn.

Are you sure you want to interrupt her with her husband?

This was the kind of thing she'd kick him out of bed for. Besides, I had no choice.

I tried getting in by the back door, and a voice called out from behind me. "Where are you going?"

I whirled around as the familiar feelings made the hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention, begging to be soothed.

"I'm going to see Saff."

Gabe frowned. "Is she expecting you? She and Lock went to get ice cream a while ago. Who knows what they're doing with it?"


He shrugged. "Or maybe you were coming to see me." He pushed away from the tree. ”Am I right then? Is that where you were going? To find me?"

I blinked at him in surprise. "What?"

"See, if I were you, I'd be contemplating murdering me in my sleep. Or bombing the place, the whole lot of it. And once you successfully placed the bombs, it would put a crimp in Rogues for a time."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you hate me." His voice broke and my heart squeezed. “You were pulling away from me even before we left for Corsica. You think I can’t feel that?”

The effort required to keep my feet planted and not run to him and wrap my arms around him was Herculean.

"I don't know what to say to you, Gabe."
